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(a/n: Unedited. A big gay mess. Enjoy.)


Karlie Kloss hated red-eye flights, but in the last decade, she'd realized it was something she had to learn to be okay with. Sighing to herself, she finally stepped into her home in the dead of night. Her suitcase immediately pushed to the wall and her keys deposited in their bowl. The living room was pitch black, but she knew the path to her bedroom just fine.

She unlocked her phone at the sound of a ping. It was 2:01 and predictably, there was text from Taylor Swift.

[Taylor <3]: "Are you home???"

Perfect timing. Karlie smiled incredulously as she began to type.

"I literally walked through the door.

What is it with you and 2am?"

The reply was instantaneous. The model hadn't even made it to the top of the stairs yet.

[Taylor <3]: "Nothing

I just missed you

And it HAPPENED TO BE 2 am

I'm amazing."

She giggled at her phone, collapsing on her bed. The repeated texting surprised the model, since Taylor usually was the type to write it all out in one long message, unlike her. "Yeah, yeah... xD

Speaking of your amazingness

CONGRATULATIONS! Apparently, you won the night!"

Three dots were appearing already, and what she got in return dimmed the model's smile a little. A tinge of guilt seeping into her conscience.

[Taylor <3]: "You didn't watch?"

She hadn't watched. In fact, she'd had to go to the airport a second after the bad blood premiere, and that was as much as she got to see. It wasn't as if the singer didn't know this, though. They'd discussed this already.

She typed a quick apology. "Sorry, babe. I was on a flight for most of the show. :/

BUT I KEPT UP WITH TWITTER LIVE and everyone was losing it!!!

I am so so so proud of you."

More instantaneous replying:

[Taylor <3]: "AWWWW Thank you

I wish you were there with me <3

But I only won like 3"

Karlie felt the words resonate. She wished she was there too, if only to hug her after every victory. The last message did make her frown though.

Three? That can be right.

She knew the number was definitely higher than five. After a quick search, she found out she was right.


you won like...8!!

That's 7 more than everyone else. :P" She sent them in quick succession.

Before she could even address how much she wanted to watch those victories in person, Taylor was texting back.

[Taylor <3]: "oh...I thought I was seeing double all night"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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&quot;Kaylor. I like that.&quot; ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now