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(a/n: It's been a while hasn't it... Sorry guys, I've been going through the worst creativity block. Almost ended up empty for a month or so. Trying to find my groove again, bear with me. This one's extra long. 

Oh and NSFW. Do forgive me for the delay. :P )


Karlie Kloss was clouded with doubt when she finally checked her phone.

There were two texts waiting for her; the first one from a blue-eyed blonde she called her best friend. Their friendship had developed into something more complicated over the past week, but it was because their loneliness had pushed them further into their curiosity, or so was the case with Karlie.

'[Taylor S]: Got any plans for this weekend?'

Karlie bit her lip, thinking over the seemingly simple question. The 'weekend' in reference was the Independence Day weekend that was three days away.
The model knew that Taylor was planning on throwing a party at her Rhode Island house; which was why the question wasn't entirely simple.

All through the week, Karlie had heard snippets of conversion about the preparation required for the star-studded get-together. She knew Taylor was being slightly discreet about it, but she had stayed over at the singer's place for nearly three days after all.
Taylor had even given her a wink once when she'd walked in on an invitation call to Emma Stone.

Is she inviting me?
Karlie felt a strange pang of excitement, to be considered for a tradition she knew Taylor followed, more or less every year. However, the reason for her doubt was the second text; this one from her younger sister, also referring to the 'weekend'.

'[Kimby]: I have so much to tell you this weekend. When are you coming?'

This text wasn't a surprise since it was Karlie's tradition. She spent every 4th of July with her family at their home in upstate New York with a barbeque party and fireworks.
The model loved the holiday solely for this reason. However, this year, she wondered if she could change it, simply because spending the weekend with Taylor Swift was an option.

Then, she realised how crazy that sounded for someone who hadn't even given Josh the chance to whisk her away from her family on previous occasions.

The thought of Josh brought her back to reality. The green-eyed girl looked up at the cars surrounding her as she chewed the inside of her cheek.
Karlie Kloss was stuck in traffic on a warm New York afternoon, heading home after a rather long photoshoot. She was glad that her work had been cancelled for the rest of the week, which meant she had four days off; a rarity in her line of work.

"Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere?" The Uber driver tugged at the model's attention for a bit.

She smiled warmly as he manoeuvred through the jam. "I don't think we've met," she answered, knowing well that the man had not meant it that way.

"No, that's not it! You're famous aren't ya?" He asked, turning his head to get a good look at her face to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

Karlie laughed, "I'm a model."

"Thought as much! I must've seen ya on one of those billboards."

"Maybe." She shrugged, smiling amusedly.

"There you are! That's you, isn't it?" The man pointed out of his window; Karlie craned her neck to see it.
Sure enough, she was plastered across a large billboard; part of her Nike campaign, looking fierce in monochromatic sportswear.
The woman blushed like she always did when she spotted herself somewhere, feeling the strange butterflies in her stomach. It was surreal to think this was her career. It never got old, no matter how long she'd worked in the industry.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now