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(a/n: okay I know I'm late! I'm so sorry, Uni is so busy.  Enjoy! I think this sets up the two girls for a few chapters.  And just so you know, Joshlie will not come back. Come on guys, give Karlie some time to get over it, though. )



"Good morning." Taylor's voice cut through the silence like a butter knife, smooth and slow.

Karlie automatically smiled, still cooped up in bed even though she knew the sun was high up in the sky. With her eyes still closed, she slowly made to get up, forgetting for a minute where she was; only knowing of Taylor's presence.

"Good morning." She replied, rubbing her eyes before she opened them.

Taylor Swift was already dressed for the day, standing by the door of the guest room with a small tray in hand that had some noticeably unhealthy food on it.

A tub of ice cream stood next to a cup of Starbucks coffee and a sandwich that looked like it had more cheese than veggies in it.
That's not breakfast, scoffed Karlie, even though she was suddenly craving all of it.

"Good night's rest?" asked the singer, setting the tray down at the edge of her bed as she took a seat as well. Karlie's sleepy green eyes regarded her with a weird mixture of feelings.

She was blushing from the way Taylor's warm gaze engulfed her but she was also squirming under her scrutiny because of all the things they'd gotten up to just a couple of hours ago.

"Yeah, I slept well. I needed it," said Karlie.
She couldn't meet the singer's eyes after the statement simply because it implied a lot of things; things she didn't know if she wanted to discuss yet. She even noticed Taylor's cheeks flush a faint shade of pink at the implication, but the singer pushed through it.

It seemed that her best friend was working towards the same goal as Karlie was: To not make it awkward between them.
That goal had been the reason the model had suggested that she sleep in the guest room rather in Taylor's bed.
She couldn't sleep in the same bed they'd fucked in without thinking back to it; which would've made her hungry for more of... whatever it was.

Not that it had helped, obviously. Karlie had spent almost an hour rolling around in the less comfortable bed, thinking about how she'd slept with her best friend.
Neither of them were going to talk about that.
Taylor Swift was a busy woman and she didn't need these kinds of complications.

"I'm glad. I've got you breakfast, by the way." Taylor cast her eyes expectantly on the food tray, before looking back at the model for her reaction. Karlie simply laughed because ice-cream did not constitute as breakfast.

"Belgium-chocolate ice-cream?" asked the model, incredulously.

The shorter girl grinned, her face glowing with the way the sunrays were hitting her soft skin in the morning light. You're not helping.

"I usually enjoy an all ice-cream diet for a week or so after a break up." Taylor replied, nerves evident in her voice. The blue-eyed girl didn't meet her gaze but Karlie could feel the anxious energy radiating off her.

Kloss glossed over it, not wanting to be reminded of her former lover.

"That can't be good for anybody," commented the model, giving her best friend the biggest grin she could muster before getting up from the bed entirely.
She wasn't exactly worried about her diet. She was rather worried about how Taylor wasn't going to be around for the day.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now