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(A/N: Not Proof read. All lies. And all mistakes are mine. Ignore them if possible >.< Xx)

"Are we there yet?" Taylor and Karlie asked Sam for the fifth time, just to get a reaction out of him, but he just chuckled as he looked in the rear view mirror.
"Ladies, it's time to get out of the car." said Sam after an hour as he walked out to open the backdoor for the two girls. Taylor and Karlie had been talking nonstop about the Met Gala and how Taylor shouldn't be one to miss it. 

"But I don't think it's that big of a deal. Besides, I've got my tour coming up. I've lots to rehearse, I can't just go to a ball!" The singer remarked as they grabbed her cat and backpacks. "Yeah but you're only not going 'cause no one's going to be there!" Karlie smirked , walking to the front door of Taylor's L.A. house. "Not true. I'm the most social person you'll ever meet and Lily will probably be there and so is Jaime King! I'll have friends with me." Taylor stated, lying however about the real reason she wasn't going to go. You won't be there, what's the point? "Then why won't you go?" The brunette asked as they stepped into the living room and set everything down. 

"I told you, I've got my tour rehearsals lcoming up. The Asia leg kicks off really..." "Soon. I get it." Karlie cut her off with a chuckle, "It's okay I guess. I'll try convincing you another time when I'm not too preoccupied looking at your beautiful house." Karlie smiled, making Taylor facepalm as she remembered Karlie hadn't been here before. 

"Oh well, now that you've noticed, let me give you the usual tour!" Taylor saved herself as she gently guided the model by her lower back. The singer immediately felt Karlie relax just as quickly as she had tensed as soon as Taylor's hand touched her back and this made her smile to herself.
"You wanna check out the backyard?" Taylor asked, opening the large door. "The one with the famous trampoline and tennis court? Yes Please!" 

And sure enough, there was a trampoline right in the middle of a tennis court just waiting to be jumped on. There also seemed to be a new addition to this set up that the model immediately spotted. "When did you get that basketball hoop?" Karlie asked, surprised that Taylor played basketball. "Oh that? That's been there forever! Like, since yesterday or something!" The singer joked, as Karlie walked up to the hoop. "Why? I didn't know you played!" 

"Are you kidding me? I'm the best player in all of United States." Taylor winked, earning a chuckle from the brunette. "We'll see about that." 

"Uh-huh. You've seen the outside now let me show you the inside, come on!" The singer pulled Karlie back inside and whisked her into the kitchen, proudly pointing out little details about where she kept everything and proceeded to show her about the living room and the nice little library nook. Before they knew it, they'd moved upstairs to check out the rooms and the nice balcony looking out to the beach.
"So this is my room. I've put in the most work to make this room very cool. What do you think?" Taylor asked, making a dramatic gesture. "Very cool." The model replied, grinning at the blonde before walking around observing the little details. 

"Uhm, should I put these bags right here?" Sam suddenly seemed to be in the room, with three of their bags. "Yeah, right here is fine. Thanks, Sam!" Taylor replied, before dragging off both their bags into the adjacent closet room.

"I'm just gonna put these in here." Taylor said dragging in the suitcase on its wheels as Karlie walked around the guest bedroom, looking at the little wall hangings. "Whose idea were these art pieces?" Karlie asked, fingering one of the paintings above the bed. "My mom likes art." Taylor stated casually as she walked about taking out candles from the wardrobe. "I can tell." The model nodded, slowly taking in her supposed room for the next three days.

&quot;Kaylor. I like that.&quot; ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now