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(a/n: I know I'm late, but what's new? lol, sorry babes. ) 


"Sweetie, what are you doing?" Her mother's voice came from behind her as she continued to arrange the cushions on the sofa.

"Just cleaning up...You know, for the Rolling Stone interview," she replied, turning to smile at the older woman.

"Oh right, I hope that goes well."

"Me too. Are you and dad going to be out today? Because I would really prefer it if nobody is around when he comes over."

"You don't have to tell us twice, honey." Taylor's father spoke up, padding into the living room behind her mother.

Taylor rolled her eyes playfully before stressing on her point, "you know I didn't mean it like that. But, I'd like it if he doesn't have additional people to question..."

"Don't worry, I want to go shopping with your father today. So, we'll be out of your hair till 4. Is that enough?"

"More than enough," Taylor sighed in relief, following her parents into the kitchen for breakfast.

The singer had woken super early, feeling extra nervous for the interview she was about to give today, even if she'd done a part of it on the set of 'Shake It Off'. It was her first exclusive piece this era and she wanted to set the right tone.

It was already nerve wracking that the man who was interviewing her had insisted on doing it in her new home in lieu of her recent move to the city. Adding that to the fact that it was on a day when Karlie had to be secretly smuggled off after a sleepover, leaving behind more than trace amounts of evidence, gave Taylor anxiety.

She had gotten up earlier than most of the city in an attempt to tone down the sheer aura of Karlie that lingered in the air:
Like the 'Genius' sweater that lay discarded on the sofa or the pair of sunglasses the model hadn't needed, or even the boots Karlie had left behind stating that she needed something more casual for work today and leaving with Taylor's own pair of flats on.

Taylor had moved through the penthouse like a storm, sweeping up anything that even remotely hinted at their little arrangement. And yet, it seemed Taylor wasn't all that sneaky when it came to her parents.

"Where's Karlie, dear? I thought she came over last night?" Taylor's mom asked suddenly, taking a spot at the island counter while her father started up the coffee maker.

"I- uh, yeah, she had an early shoot, so she left around 6." That wasn't too much of lie. Karlie did have a shoot, although she left at 4, when she knew there would be no cameras to face on the way out.

"Ah, will she be back for dinner?" Andrea continued. Taylor raised a brow in response. Why was her mother asking for her best friend this adamantly?

"Um, I don't think so. The shoot runs all day so I doubt she has the time or energy to stop by for dinner."

"You should ask her! I'm in the mood to cook tonight, so we could make something special out of it," her father piped up, giving Taylor an encouraging smile.

The only friends they'd let come over for family nights were Selena and Abigail, both of whom they'd met countless times over the years. They'd only met Karlie once.

"You're cooking tonight?" Taylor decided to focus on the things that didn't make her nervous rather than being caught unawares.

Scott Swift nodded enthusiastically before rolling his eyes when Taylor let out a gasp of horror.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now