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(a/n: a filler chapter that i didn't know how to approach so there's some feels and smut in here. enjoy. sorry for the delays as always xx)


Tree Paine walked into Taylor's ground-floor lobby the same time Karlie was stepping off the elevator, resulting in a rather peculiar run in.

The red-head looked thoroughly spooked and oddly flustered by Karlie's sudden appearance.

"Hey, Tree! Is everything okay?"

That seemed to snap her out of whatever was running through her head, "Yeah! Everything's fine! I- Um... How come you're here?"

The model frowned at the question. Tree had never asked her that during the multiple times they'd met before under the same conditions.
Karlie usually didn't have to justify being at Taylor's house because it was just a normal occurrence for her to enjoy the occasional (frequent) meal(s) with the songwriter (and more, but no one needed to know that).

Feeling a little uneasy under Tree's intent scrutiny, Karlie told her what she'd been telling everyone else:
"I was shooting nearby, so I thought I'd just stop by. What about you?"

She hadn't meant to ask, because it was probably just work; but there was something different about Tree today. She almost seemed nervous.

The red head immediately clammed up, even though she managed to force a rather large smile.
However, instead of brushing it off or ignoring it, Karlie continued to look at the publicist, a pleasant smile on her face to show that she didn't want to move until Tree explained herself. The shorter woman eventually gave up, sighing to herself.

"I guess it's for the best that I talk to the both of you together."

"Um, about what?" asked the green-eyed woman, even more perplexed than before.

"Do you mind coming up for a few minutes?"

The model hadn't been lying when she said she was shooting nearby, and the photoshoot was about to begin in twenty minutes. She didn't think it was wise to waste more time than she already had. But Tree's words and tone could only mean business, even if it was odd for her to request the model's presence.

Nonetheless, she agreed with a nod of her head, boarding the elevator once again to head up to the penthouse she'd spent over an hour in.

Karlie could tell the nerves rolling off the publicist's body as they stood in silence, waiting for the elevator to stop at the 6th floor.

Kloss lead the way to Taylor's door, looking back and smiling before ringing the bell. It didn't take long for the songwriter to open the door. Needless to say that she was surprised to find the taller girl back at her doorstep.

"Karlie! Did you leave something behind?" asked the older girl, immediately looking towards the living room.

"No, no, Tree said she wanted to talk to the both of us," replied Karlie, making sure to showcase her confusion through her tone of voice.

"Both of us?" Taylor's gaze turned towards the red head, who nodded nervously before asking to come in.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Taylor's words cut through the awkward silence as sharp as a knife as soon as the doors had closed. The singer was already crossing her arms defensively, leaning against the wooden chest in the living room.
Karlie didn't even think there was anything wrong up until that point. But she guessed Taylor had seen her publicist like this, enough times to know right away that something was off.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now