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(A/N: Okay so this is a short filler that's filled with feels because it was needed. Next chapter will have more purpose, I promise. )


It had been two days since the VSF show and Taylor was going through another day of meetings and recording sessions. She was stressed and overworked and yet, didn't want to take a break because if she did, her thought process would be lost. Or so she told herself when she declined the offer to have lunch with Jack Antonoff, one of her producers on the new album she was currently working on. This was somewhat true since she did have a song in mind that had come to her a few hours ago and she was indeed trying to put it on paper. However, the main reason was that she didn't really feel the need to go out with the Paparazzi still driving her crazy. Just then however, her phone pinged with a message from her newest contact. 

It read something like: 'Hey! If you're free this evening, how about we grab that coffee?
-Karlie x' 

Taylor couldn't help the smile that spread across her face when she read the name. She suddenly didn't feel like going out would be a pain. So without thinking twice she replied:

'Yeah! Perfect timing! Needed a break. You know a nice coffee place?
-TS x'

The reply was immediate and it only led to a wider grin spreading across her face.

'Yeah I do, actually. I'll text you the address in a bit. See you at 4:30?
-KK ;)'

It was 4:15pm and Taylor was walking towards the coffee shop since it turned out to be only a little distance away. Her bodyguards were walking in front and behind, keeping a good distance of course. Taylor was always nervous about walking on streets alone but she'd come to terms with the paparazzi fiasco now even though it still frustrated her at times. This time too, they were by her side and around her, though they didn't come near her because of security. Taking pictures and yelling her name. Taylor smiled a few times since it was no point ignoring all of them. They were however, somewhat better than the ones is LA. How true this was, still remained to be found out.

Soon she had come to the corner after which the coffee shop was situated and just as she turned the corner, she spotted Karlie walking towards the shop from the other side. She noticed her immediately and a big grin was spreading across her face, mimicking Taylor's expression. Pure sunshine.

"Hey! You look great!" Karlie said as soon as they were in arm length, instantly wrapping her in a tight hug.

"Thanks! So do you. Who knew jeans and a Tshirt could look so stylish?" She replied, letting go of her, turning towards the shop, holding the door open for Karlie.

"I could say the same to you, superstar." Karlie quipped, winking at her as she passed through the door.

It was a nice little cafe that had both a vintage and modern feel to it and Taylor liked it very much. The paparazzi however, kind of spoilt it for her as they stood right outside the big window, taking pictures of them.
Noticing how uncomfortable Taylor seemed, Karlie put her arm around her shoulder and whispered to her.

"Don't let them get to you. We're just here to have a good time. Just look at me."

Taylor was dumbfounded by this. No one Taylor had met before seemed so at ease with this situation despite knowing her for much longer and here Karlie was, telling her to calm down? Wow. 

"I know that. It's just frustrating that every new person I meet gets troubled because of me. It makes pretty hard to get out, this way." Taylor replied, glancing once outside the window.

"Hey. Don't look at them. You know, going out with people will be a lot more fun if you stop caring about them. The person you're with will feel much better if you manage to take their mind off of it by engaging with them properly. Always works."

And Taylor found that this was exactly what Karlie had managed to do. Taylor didn't even glance at them after that. Conversation with Karlie came so easily that they didn't even realise when a whole hour had passed. They were simply getting to know each other and giggling about anything and everything. They however , knew that even if they'd known each and everything about each other, they'd still be able to spend their lives just talking like this.

"Wow look at the time! Do you wanna get out of here and do some shopping?" Karlie suggested, sipping the last of her coffee.

The thought made Taylor's face light up again.
 "Yeah! Perfect. There are a few boutiques nearby that have some really cool clothes I think? I passed by them yesterday. Are you sure, though? Paparazzi is going to hound you as soon as we get out."

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now