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(a/n: part 2 of this long ass chapter: cute and important and still long, so bear with me on this one. )

-------- April 3rd--------

"Where are you off to?" Tree asked, looking up from her phone. She was in the middle of an important email concerning the singer in front of her. They had finished a rather hurried meeting that the blonde had called in merely minutes before. Thankfully, Tree wasn't too fazed by the announcement the girl had just made.
For one thing, she was surprised that Taylor hadn't suggested it sooner and for another, she really didn't have much to do in the situation, except let the agent of the apartment know about it and of course tell Swift's security team that their boss had decided to start moving house much sooner than planned.

"I'm going to stop by the apartment and have lunch with Karlie afterwards." The blonde said, her attention focused on the text she was sending, a grin plastered on her face. Tree knew who that text was going to reach. "So you're showing Karlie the apartment before you even furnish it?" Tree raised an eyebrow, earning a 'duh' look from the taller woman.

"Yeah she's the only person who's as excited as I am! Besides, she's a New Yorker, she'll know what to do with some of the space that I can't figure out." The blue eyed girl brushed it off, waving goodbye to her publicist before exiting her hotel room.

Sam and Kevin flanked her automatically. They knew her schedule well enough; so when their boss failed to utter a word even after being seated in the car because she was so into her phone, they drove her to the apartment without any instruction.

[Karlie Kloss]: Okay I'm walking to the address you gave me. SO EXCITED! :D

There were waves of anxiety and excitement building up within her stomach and she had no idea why. That wasn't true though, she had a faint grasp of them. She was nervous because it was the first time that anybody other than the team was going to be seeing the house, even before she officially moved in. And more so, the idea of Karlie not liking the penthouse made her cringe inwardly. But why does that matter? I'm sure she'll love it. Don't you love it?

I do. Yeah you're right.

It was the same reason for her excitement. To add to that, the singer was even more excited to be meeting the model in person after so long. (It had only been ten days since London.) Taylor quickly sent back a text before focusing on the road ahead. She was nearly familiar with the layout of the neighbourhood with the amount of times she had visited her apartment so far. They were approaching the corner of her street and she could see her apartment building a few metres away.

The blue eyed girl could spot a familiar tall figure walking from the opposite direction. She's already here? The car slowed down as the blonde pulled out her phone to check her make up; she had spotted a few paps on the way and she would be damned if she let them catch her off guard. Looking down at her maroon/magenta plaid top, she smoothed the creases just out of nervousness to see the taller girl who was getting closer on noticing that her car had pulled up.

Taylor re-adjusted her heels before picking up her bag and stepped out of the town car while Sam held the door open. "Miss Kloss approaches." The bodyguard said, smiling at the singer who Taylor gave him a knowing grin in return.

"How do I look, Sam?" she asked him as he closed the door behind her. Why are you even asking? You know you look fine. The shorter blonde was wearing a long plaid shirt with the sleeves upto her elbows and a thin brown belt, making it look like a two piece set accompanied by her skinny legs shown off in fitting black jeans. Her hair was kept straight for the day and her fringe swept to the side in a very casual manner. "Classy but cute." Sam replied, giving her a thumbs up before turning towards the approaching model.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now