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(A/N: All mistakes are mine. All made up. Thanks for checking it out! Xx)


Karlie watched the sun rise while sipping on her hot cup of tea, standing in front of the huge window in the living room. "Here. Take this." Came Taylor's voice from behind, handing Karlie two pills and a glass of water. "Neck it. Come on." The singer urged as Karlie stared at the pills in her hand. "Why? I'm fine, Tay. It was just the pizza. I ate more than I usually eat and the wine with that. It's nothing." The model said, pushing away Taylor's hand before walking to the kitchen to put down her cup. "You need to take these pills. You're sick. Cmon Karl, they'll make you feel better." Taylor pleaded again.
"I'm fine, Tay. I just threw up once. It's not a big deal."

"Sure. Karlie please just take them." Taylor asked again.

"I'm fi- woah." Karlie froze for a second blinking before sitting down. "Okay. I feel dizzy."
Taylor immediately rushed forward with the glass of water, thrusting it into the model's hand. "Drink." Karlie didn't argue this time and gulped down the water along with the two pills. "You need sleep, come on. No activities for you today." Taylor pushed the model steadily up the stairs while the brunette protested again and again. "Cmon Taylor, I'm fine! We've a party to go to tonight. I'm perfectly alright. Besides, your pills will surely work."

"No. Sleep. Now. Rest." The singer dragged Karlie to the guest room, closing the curtains and slowly making the bed as Karlie bit her lip. First time I'll be actually using this bed. The model smiled to herself as Taylor pulled back the sheets. "Okay. In."

"Someone's being very demanding today?" The brunette joked, evoking a small smile from the singer. "Well, you're being awfully stubborn." That I am.

"Are you going to sleep too?" Karlie asked as Taylor tucked her in. "Yeah. I've been up for too long." Taylor replied with a weak smile. Karlie felt bad about this5. Her best friend had stayed up all night with her while she threw up and had constantly been on her toes trying to make her feel better. "Good." She replied, as the singer leaned to kiss her on the cheek. "Sleep well." The contact was overwhelming all of a sudden. It was just a peck and it was over too soon.

"You too." Was all she managed as she squeezed her hand. What just. That was...nothing. That was nothing.

Karlie thought, taking one last look at the singer as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, leaving the model to her thoughts. Sure enough, the brunette spent the next half hour going over what had happened. Rewinding to the moment and thinking about that nanosecond where Taylor had been so close, she was engulfed in her perfume. She smells so nice. Oh my god. Karlie chided herself before finally deciding to shut her eyes and go to sleep, pushing back the thought of what Taylor would be doing at that moment.


"Well, no. I can't, Joe. Could you call them and tell them I'm not coming tonight. I'm not really feeling well, today. Taylor spoke into the phone as she made her bed, smoothening the creases and puffing up the pillows. "Thank you. I owe you one. Yes I'll call you if there's a change of plan."
The singer laid down on the bed for a few minutes before deciding to do something productive. Let's finish up that song. The blonde peeked in quickly to see Karlie sound asleep before smiling to herself and heading towards the piano room.

"We found wonderland,
you and I got lost in it
and we pretended it could last forever...
we found wonderland
you and I got lost in it
and life was never worse
but never better."

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now