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(A/N: Yes it's been over a month. I'm sorry. Been really busy with school work.
This is kind of like a filler chapter although a lot of Kaylor is happening, just setting the mood for what's to come, ya know? ;) *NOT PROOFREAD* All fiction, all errors are mine. Kay. Enjoy.)

Taylor's cellphone went off at the loudest volume in the dead silence of the morning, causing the singer to jolt in her sleep, completely disoriented and confused as she reached for the little device sitting on the side table.
Refusing to open her eyes, the blonde grabbed the phone and picked up the call as she held the little devil to her ears.
"Hello, Taylor?" It was Austin. "Yep. It's me. What's wrong?" Taylor asked, still not opening her eyes as she felt the soft fur of her cat who was apparently still sleeping peacefully next to her despite the loud ringing. "Um. Just asking where you are? Because we haven't heard from you in 2 days now...and Tree just called mom saying that a lot of paps just got onto your scent so...what's happening? Are you okay?" She could feel the nervousness of his voice seeping in through the phone as she reassured him.
"Relax. I'm fine, Austin. I've got some pretty badass security and right now we're hiding like actual secret agents,  undercover. It's fine."

"Exactly." A soft voice full of energy suddenly spoke up, finally convincing Taylor to open her eyes, smiling widely, knowing it belonged to one very tall ball of sunshine. However, the sight that met her eyes completely threw her off as she stuttered into the phone.  What the fuck?
Austin was rambling on as usual about staying safely hidden and yaada-yaada but the singer's mind was fully occupied in figuring out what she was seeing in front of her. Finally, deciding to deal with one thing at a time as Karlie stared at the blonde with a smug expression on her face, dressed in a clean bathrobe with her arms crossed, she addressed her brother on the phone.
"Yeah I'm going to call you later. I know, Austin. Don't worry about me." Taylor threw her phone beside her as she slowly sat up in bed to get a better look at the model. "What..." She trailed off as a grin appeared on Karlie's face, taking her time to sit down next to the singer. "I went blonde! What do you think?"

Wow. God, help me. "When..." Was all the blonde could manage as she admired how much brighter Karlie's face seemed with her new messy golden locks. "Last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and found this in the cabinet...and you'd already told me how much more fun blondes have...so I tried it. You still haven't told me how it looks." The model finished, giggling at the surprise on Taylor's face that was pretty evident since her jaw was partly hanging open.
"I love it. It looks beautiful." And you've literally made it impossible to ignore your flawlessness. Oh shut up, Tay. Not this early in the morning. I can't help it. Oh my God. The singer struggled to focus once more as she continued to stare at Karlie's ever bright face who seemed to be grinning very widely now.

"Thanks! I thought you would! But it's not your kind of blonde...it's kind of messy." The taller girl rambled on before Taylor cut her off again. "It's pretty. I like it like that." The tiny blush appearing on Karlie's cheeks was enough to satisfy the singer as she tried to move past that and get their third day started. "So um...who was that you hung up on?" Karlie finally asked, breaking their gaze causing the both of them to avert their eyes nervously. "Yeah that was Austin. Nothing important. He's just concerned...or something." She brushed it off, finally whipping her legs out of the sheets and slowly setting them down on the cold floor. Austin overreacts to everything.
"Hey, did you at least reassure him?" The model pried again, standing up and reaching their small table next to the TV in one long stride. "Of course I did. He just jumps to worst case scenarios...a lot. Same with my mum. She's worse." Taylor clarified, walking towards the table herself to see what was kept on it. There was a small wrapped sandwich and some cereal in a bowl, complete with cold milk.
"Worse than you?" Karlie raised an eyebrow, teasing the singer of her tendencies to overreact to things. Yeah. Worse.
"Hey! I'm not that bad okay?" The blonde remarked, picking up her toothbrush from their backpack before heading over to their tiny bathroom and closing the door. But not before she heard the model call out "As if."

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now