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(a/n: Not so sure about this one....not as long either. ) 


The words 'Bad day' didn't cut it.

Taylor Swift was having one of the worst days and it was to some extent, her own fault for scheduling meetings back to back on a day she didn't truly feel like herself. Despite warnings, the singer's schedule was packed to the brim and she had just returned from a full day in a conference room.

She had woken up knowing it was one of those low self-esteem days that she came down with from time to time. She had just decided to power through it because she didn't have the liberty to stay at home and make herself feel better, not when her team was running at full force to meet the deadlines.

The first meeting had worked itself out though, going her way without a hassle. The people at Coke had come up with something true to Taylor's brand and they had scheduled the dates for the shoot just fine.

It was the next few meetings that had stressed her out and strained her mental state further than it already was.

The record label team had begged her to include at least three country songs on her album...again.
Taylor had been insistent...again, not giving them a chance to even say anything further.
She had shut them up for good, but it had taken a few strong words to convince them not to bring it up again.

Thank God, I didn't swear, she thought.

She reckoned it was worth it, but the meeting had drained her of her tolerance towards being antagonised nevertheless, which in turn proved to be bad for the next meeting she had scheduled in the late afternoon.

This one was supposed to be creative; something Taylor often enjoyed...but she found herself arguing with someone else this time.

The ever-present financial advisor sitting in on the meeting for Taylor's album cover (Why was he even there?) had countered her on her every idea.

She had asked for a Polaroid picture theme for the entire shoot and he had argued against it, saying that it wouldn't be a high-resolution picture then, which meant less sales.
She had suggested shooting in a bunch of homey non-flashy places for the authentic 80's vibe and he had rejected on grounds of it not being eye-catchy, which meant less sales.
Taylor had merely suggested a picture with the top half of her face missing just to bring in the air of mystery and once again, he had ignored her and stated that close-up HD shots would be just fine since they assured more sales.

"Miss Swift, close-up shots have been proven to be successful at gathering people's interest. Your face on the cover of the album is mandatory. More people will buy it if they see Taylor Swift rather than a half photo." he had said.

Taylor had almost been flattered. Almost.

It was only after she had questioned him about his knowledge on artistic vision and he had been reminded that he had no control over her creative decisions that he had stopped, reluctantly of course and not before he had mentioned just how big a risk she was taking.

Taylor sighed, focusing on her current task...which was ordering a feel-good meal to keep her mind off how disgusting and weary she felt after having to argue with everyone and be on the receiving end of begrudging looks and hesitant acquiescence.
She wondered how long this would continue, and she hoped it wouldn't be too long because she didn't know if she could hold out anymore without feeling like a monster.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now