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(a/n: Here are all the feels I could manage to squeeze into one chapter. 

Karlie is a rambler, Taylor is brave, and they're both really gay for each other.)


God, why do I keep doing this?

Karlie's subconscious' tone was scalding, loathing, as she finally parked the silver Mercedes in her assigned spot at her apartment building.

Her mind would not let go of the almost kisses (yes, there were multiple): when Taylor had hopped on the kitchen counter in her snowflake pajamas and offered to make her a cup of hot-cocoa, when Taylor had fiddled with her necklace for a moment too long, (the gold 'K' that she found herself wearing more and more around the singer after the Knicks game, much to Taylor's delight) asking her where she'd got it, or even when the Grammy winner had laughed melodiously at Karlie's ridiculous tale about her dog once knocking over every piece of furniture.

And of-course, every other moment spent in the singer's company.

But most of all, Karlie's brain just wouldn't process the actual kiss: the one she'd given and gotten back in earnest when she was leaving Taylor's apartment.

It was entirely (okay, maybe not, but she wouldn't admit to that) accidental. Taylor had gone to press a kiss to her cheek, something Karlie found herself receiving more and more these days – something she swore made her heart flutter in inexplicable ways – and Karlie had turned at the last moment, plush red lips meeting her own instead of soft skin.

It had been an instinctual thing. Nonsensical, much like the first unsolicited kiss Karlie had given minutes before a secret session was due to start. And just like the other kiss they'd shared in the darkness of Taylor's bedroom, this incident didn't lead to an encounter either.

Instead, the model had felt Taylor sigh against her mouth and kiss her back, slowly but with a quiet fierceness that made Karlie's knees weak. They'd stayed that way for a solid minute, lips moving in sync, without any agenda but with a burning desire that acknowledged the inevitability of it happening.

After all, they'd been tip-toeing around each other for a few days now, while wrapping up Christmas presents for Taylor's lucky fans. Flirtatious banter and lingering stares had been the only remnants of their drunken conversation a week before.

And it had been driving Karlie for more reasons than she could figure out. She really needed to figure it out, before she combusted without a warning.

But like every other time, kissing Taylor had left her brain numb, heart thudding and her body tingling, so much that it had been nearly impossible to pull back from the singer – because, again, there was something there that just wouldn't let Karlie take them to a bed – and whisper a breathless 'Bye, Tay' before she'd tripped all the way to her car.

She wasn't even in a state to be frustrated about the maddening traffic jam she'd been stuck in on the way over. So, it was no surprise that Karlie didn't realise she had a visitor until they were in her face.

"Where were you?" asked a British accent, startling her out of her reverie just as she approached her unit. Karlie found herself backed up against her own front door, staring at pretty blue eyes that were nothing like the ones she'd spent the past several hours looking into.

"Cara! What are you doing here?"

"You forgot— okay never mind, just answer me." The blonde let up, but only slightly, choosing to level a curious stare at the taller model while she stood with her arms crossed.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now