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(A/N: Hey guys! I don't know how you'll feel about this one but just trust me on this. It's necessary to explain things and put them into perspective for Karlie, yeah?
hope you like it. Xx)


[Taylor S]: 'Wish Derek for me! Send me pictures of drunk Cara if u can. XD'

Karlie grinned at the text that had just arrived, her fingers already typing out a reply to the singer on the opposite coast going through tour rehearsals and studio sessions. 

'No promises. XD I don't know if i'll even be able to stand after this party, it's Derek we're talking about. '

"You ready, Kar?" Josh's voice came from her living room downstairs, bringing her attention back to her current surroundings. 

"Yeah, do you have the keys?" she asked, slipping her phone into her black clutch as she took one last glance at her outfit to make sure everything was in order.

She looked nothing less than stunning in her flowing off-shoulder black Stella McCartney gown with a few crystal studs lining the cut around her neck. Her hair was left loose, taking on a wavy shape around her shoulders as she ran her hand through it briefly. 

Slipping her feet through her sturdy Manolo Blahniks, she gingerly walked down the stairs to see a fully dressed Joshua Kushner sitting in the living room couch looking at his phone screen like he always did. He raised his head when he heard the sound of her heels approaching him, grinning widely before getting up to take a hold of her hand, keeping her steady as she adjusted one of her heels. 

"You look beautiful," he said, brushing aside a stray curl of her blonde hair from her forehead as she gave him a wide smile. 

"And you look pretty alright," Karlie remarked, watching the humour in her boyfriend's eyes rise. With his hand timidly slung around the model's waist, they locked up Karlie's apartment before heading towards Josh's parked car across the street. 

"I'm still surprised that you're coming for this," Karlie joked as Josh opened the door for her, waiting until she was seated properly. 

"Yeah right, remember the last time I missed Derek's party? He made me feel miserable for a full week!" scoffed the dark haired man, watching Karlie giggle at the memory. 

"I remember," Karlie replied, allowing Josh to close the door before he jogged over to his side, his black blazer swinging a little in the chilly air of the night. 

The supermodel noticed the smile present on her boyfriend's face all the way to the pricey hotel in Midtown and wondered why he was in such a good mood. Karlie could tell by a single glance just how Josh was feeling and she knew that it worked the other way round too, having been together for so long. To be frank that was how he had been for the past week, ever since Karlie had told him that it wasn't really a big deal that he had missed her launch.  

Once she had finally replied to his text, he had shown up at her doorstep with a bouquet of blue lilies with an offer to make lunch. Of course he had asked her if she was mad at him and of course she had said no, because it was true. It really hadn't mattered much to her and that bothered her slightly. 
At some point over the month, nothing Josh did bothered her anymore and she took it as a sign of just getting better at managing her relationship. In truth, she wasn't really sure what the switch was and whether it had really only taken effect over the month, she almost swore that the feeling had been there way longer than that, but she didn't want to think about it when her boyfriend was actually by her side, having sworn to take the night off and spend it with her. 

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now