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(A/N: It's long AF. Also, this is a personal best in updating frequently. Don't get used to it! :)  )


Taylor stiffened as her hand grazed a warm body.

It was enough to wake her up fully, remembering where she was. Her blue eyes popped open to see Karlie's peaceful figure lying in blissful sleep just a feet away from her. She must be so tired.

The singer's gaze softened at the sight, taking in the way Karlie's hands were left free, making the blonde reach out and touch her fingertips faintly. She smiled at the way Karlie seemed to have the smallest smile on her face even in her sleep.
The sun was well up in the air at that time; the rays filtering in strongly through the glass doors and falling on their legs. Night one in New York: done.

Taylor propped herself up on one elbow as she continued to smile at the blonde next to her. She found it strange that her security team had let Karlie in without informing her first. Well they've seen my friends enough to know them, I guess.
She also found it strangely surprising and satisfying that Karlie was even here at all, sleeping in her bed on her first official day in New York; as if she was ready to take on the city with her.

Don't be silly, Taylor, she chided herself. Lying back down, the shorter stared up at the ceiling. She frowned at the ceiling fan adorning it, wondering why it was the only thing up there. Ceilings are so plain...

After making a list of things to do with the roof, Taylor turned back towards the still sleeping figure, wondering once again how someone could look so adorable. It's late, she thought, reaching across Karlie to grab her phone lying on the table.
There was a text message from Tree, talking about people's speculation of her newest purchase; the blue eyed girl sighed before sending a quick 'ok'. There was another text from Max Martin regarding their little recording session scheduled for the next day, which she answered immediately, being quite excited to be moving along with the record.

The singer then spent the next few minutes answering important emails as the sun rays rose enough to fall on their torsos instead of their legs. It was time to get out of bed, now. Taylor couldn't spend much longer there, knowing that if she let herself, she'd just watch the other girl until she woke up. That's creepy, Taylor...
The shorter blonde padded towards the attached bathroom, picking up her toothbrush from her bag along the way. Ugh, today is going to be interesting.

Only when the shorter blonde came out of the bathroom after a long shower, did the model wake up from her deep slumber. Taylor stood by, smiling as she watched Karlie slowly come to her senses. Her green eyes immediately focused on the singer's, giving Taylor a sheepish grin that made the country star blush, "How long has it been?"

"About 3 and a half hours," replied the older girl, walking over to the edge of the bed. Karlie's eyes widened at that, stretching as she made herself sit up.
"I have to get to a shoot in 30 minutes!" the taller girl exclaimed, making Taylor giggle.

"Well you better get ready, then." Taylor made her way to Karlie's side, exaggerating her actions as she lied down again.

"That's not fair, you're going to stay here all day! This bed is so soft by the way..." the model said, running her hands over the sheets as she dragged herself out of it.

"Thank you, you can come back once you're done with your shoot. How does that sound for motivation?" Taylor winked uncharacteristically. She didn't know what came over her but she couldn't help it. Karlie looked extremely cute with her blonde hair all messed up and her travel clothes all wrinkled. The sight of the model standing in her bedroom like that with a sly grin on her face gave her a rush.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now