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(A/N: Ever wonder how Many pictures front the roadtrip exist that we haven't seen? ;) )

Food, check. Money,check. Map, check. Music, check. Hotel? Hotel. I didn't book a room. WE DONT-

"Taylor? You ready? Sam is here with the car!" Oh crap.
"Just a minute!" The singer lunged for laptop sitting on the bed and opened up the website for the beach hotel at Big Sur just when Karlie walked into the room. "What are you doing? Now is not the time to check the tabloids or go on tumblr."
"I'm just booking the hotel for us at Bug Sur. It'll take a few minutes."
"What? No. You are not booking the hotel beforehand. We don't even know when we'll be checking in! The whole point of this trip is to improvise. We'll do it when we get there, okay?" The model tried to explain to a wide eyed Taylor Swift. What?

"We don't know when we're checking in? Why? How long is this trip for? I thought we discussed this last night!"
"We didn't discuss anything specific, Tay. All we did was create a rough outline of things we COULD do. There's so much we can figure out on the road."
Okay,that was not what I had planned.
"But we can't improvise on a hotel room, Karl...that's too much of a risk." The singer tried to explain, to no avail.
"I want you to stop worrying. It'll be fine. Come on. We'll get nowhere if we don't start!" The model gently dragged Taylor out of the room with Meredith following them.
"You're going to love this trip." Karlie was babbling on as they passed the living room with Taylor looking around to see if everything was locked and ready while Meredith promptly followed them, trying to figure out what her mom was doing.

"What are you looking at, Mere? You have no idea what's going on do you? Yeah well, we're going on a road trip because Miss Karlie over here suggested we get away from this place for a while. I totally agree with her but...I can't believe I agreed to this when it's so last minute. She only came up with the idea a few hours ago and I said yes after 10 minutes? Meredith, what was I thinking? I can't just leave everything and go on a vacation like this! And worst of all, Mere...she didn't even let me book the hotel room...this is so uncertain. Ugh. But it'll be fun, I'll bet. Knowing Karlie, she's probably going to make this my favourite holiday of all time. Right? She's the best."

Taylor was kneeling down next to the cat, stroking her fur as Meredith purred in her hands, letting out a small meow. "You're absolutely right, it's going to be fine. It'll be great. A week on the road with Karlie Kloss? Wow." Oh. Before she could process what she had said, the model came stomping into the kitchen to drag Taylor back out, holding the bag that had a few snacks. Meredith followed them out to the door before the blonde let out a shriek.
"What is it?" Karlie echoed as the singer ran back into the living room and opened the small cabinet under the TV. Opening the little box to check if there was enough Polaroid paper in them, she closed the camera and quickly slipped it into her bag before joining the model out front.
"What was it?" Karlie was holding her grey cat while she locked the door to the mansion.
"We can't go on a trip without a camera, can we?" The model raised an eyebrow before nodding in agreement.
Taylor rarely used her Polaroid camera. It was reserved for the best moments only and she knew she would be experiencing those on this trip.

"Hello, Sam!" Karlie greeted as the girls stepped out. "Good morning Miss Kloss, Miss Swift." The chauffeur/bodyguard replied, tipping the ridiculously big blue fedora hat he was wearing in greeting. Sam looked like a tourist from head to toe with his colourful button down shirt and shorts and Taylor found herself giggling at the sight even though it was her idea that her security be dressed as normal tourists since she didn't want to attract attention in any way. Plus, turned out Sam was in really good shape and pulled it all off really well.

Thank God she agreed to let them come. Of course she did! Karlie is stubborn, not stupid.
"You look absolutely wonderful, Sam. That hat really pops." Karlie stated trying to stifle a giggle too.
"You like it?" Sam grinned before opening the door to their town car to reveal Kevin (a big dude who was also Taylor's bodyguard) in the driver's seat with nearly the same costume minus the hat of course.
"To be frank, Sam. That hat is ridiculous!" He laughed as Sam simply ignored him and grinned at the ladies, taking out two black ones from the car and handing it to them. "Here are yours. I demand that you wear them so it'll be easy to locate you two if we ever lose you."
"Which won't happen." Kevin interrupted. The girls watched as Sam re-assured them that "Yes, that will not happen but I just think you should wear them 'cause I bought them. You'll fit right in!"
"Okay, okay. We'll wear them. I'm all for it. What about you, Karl?" Taylor gestured, taking one from Sam and placing it on her head. "Yeah, I love Fedoras." Karlie wore it before turning towards Sam. "What do you think?"
"Beautiful. Both of you." Just the satisfied grin on Sam's face was enough to make the girls decide to keep it on for as long as possible.
"Okay, so I was told that you girls wanted to drive?" Sam closed the door of the town car and held up a finger before jogging out of the gate. What is it this time?

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now