(a/n: next chapter in two days. cross my heart.)


"When are you back in New York?"

"Three days," smiled the red-lipped songstress as she stared at the empty living room in her LA home.

"Really? That's perfect! Lily and Gi have been asking for a girls' night for so long, and I agree, we should have one. Maybe bake some cookies, you know? If Cara is in town she might join us too. What do you think?" asked Karlie, her voice turning into a squeak at the end, mainly because she was excited about the hang out; she always was.

And for a moment, Taylor remembered what had drawn her to the supermodel in the first place. Her enthusiasm for anything and everything was something Taylor enjoyed and shared. It had taken this long to find someone else who took pleasure in the smallest of things.

"We should totally have a girls' night! But you do know that I have the festival and the secret sessions, right? I might not be able to make it during the weekend," sighed Taylor, explaining to the model that her secret sessions usually lasted a good few hours. Karlie didn't mind of course, she never did.

"We can do it on a weeknight, no problem! Call Lily for me though, I've got a shoot to get to and she would want to know straight away if we're planning this," answered the model, suddenly sounding a lot more distracted.

The smile that had stuck to Taylor's lips slipped for a singular moment, until her eyes fell on the piece of clothing that was neatly folded on the far end of the sofa.

It was Karlie's baseball jacket, and it had been left behind after they'd had their impromptu hook up, after Karlie had fallen asleep promising to continue showing up for Taylor; after Taylor had been made aware of her feelings for the model and how they weren't just surface level anymore. (She wasn't too thrilled by the revelation.)

She had first spotted it when she was tidying the house for the LA secret sessions, and had spent the first hour simply staring at the jacket from across the room, as if it was infected somehow. It had taken a glass of wine to steel her nerves enough to pick it up and put it away so that none of her fans would spot it.
She had gone to bed that night staring at it on the shelf in her bedroom, thinking of how it smelled so strongly of the supermodel; of spearmint and that slightly musky scent that Karlie had been wearing for the past few months.

The battle of self-control versus the need to hold onto the soft material that had been stripped from the owner ended the next day, after the secret sessions, when she was too exhausted to fight against the impulse.

The day had been long and even though it had been spent in the presence of her fans who only made her happier by the hour, she needed to wind down. The jacket turned out to be the perfect comfort as she wrapped it around herself and spent the night watching 'Law and Order' with Meredith and Olivia tucked next to her.

The next day, she'd woken up and cursed herself for failing to hold off, because now she associated the jacket with contentment, and in turn, Karlie too. It had been folded up and left alone ever since, but Taylor would find her eyes wandering to it every few minutes, nonetheless. She needed to return it quick before she had any more of these unforeseen revelations.

"Okay, I'll text her and let her know. Good luck on your shoot!"

"Thanks, Tay. I'll see you on girls' night then,"

"Yeah! And invite Martha too, if she's in town?" Taylor asked, her mind focusing on the conversation and away from the jacket.

"Wait, since when are you and Martha close?"

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now