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(a/n: Don't know how I feel about this, but Enjoy!)


The world was singing along to Karlie's favourite song and the supermodel was grateful for the fact that she could finally download it onto her phone.

'Shake It Off' had been on repeat since it came out a week ago, and there was no way Karlie was shutting it off any time soon. In fact, she was even more obsessed, something she hadn't thought possible.

Then again, nothing was impossible when it came to her best-friend.

She decided to acknowledge this with a text and a video, while her entire hair and make-up team jammed to it. She made sure she captured each person's goofy dancing before she sent it off to the songstress in a flurry of excitement.

'They finally understand what I've been feeling since the first time you let me hear it. Xx'

Karlie paused at the brief reminder of the road trip, an event she could never shake off. There was a time when she felt immensely guilty bringing it up, but the guilt had subsided to near negligence now, thanks to their recent developments.
And of course, the supermodel didn't know it but even that little guilt left was turning into something akin to longing and nostalgia.

So the cheesy text was a given, considering the amount of time Karlie had spent gushing about it on the phone the day after the song and music video came out. Two hours to be specific.
Karlie had been late for her shoot the next day since they'd literally stayed up till 2am talking, but when was Karlie ever on time anyway...

Except, it still didn't explain the blush on her cheeks when she thought about it. She however, didn't have the time to dwell on it, because she was needed back on-set.

It was only when she was halfway home that she was able to check her phone for a response, which she'd received hours earlier.

'THAT'S THE BEST THING I'VE SEEN TODAY! THANK YOU!' it read, putting a grin on the model's face before it was wiped clear.

Karlie frowned at the time-stamp, knowing she'd left it unanswered for a long time, hoping it didn't rub Taylor the wrong way: A thought that never occurred to her when it was her other friends.

Relax, I'm sure she was busy too...and she knows how busy you were. You were in a make-up chair for God's sake, she reminded herself.

Nonetheless, she apologised light heartedly with a 'Sorry! :P I just wrapped work!' before adding a much happier line of text.

'But really? That's the best thing you've seen? What about the charts? :D I heard you're at #1 everywhere!'

Knowing she'd taken almost three and a half hours to reply, Karlie wasn't expecting an immediate reply, especially with Taylor's schedule these days. It didn't mean that she hoped for it anyway.

So, she was pleasantly surprised when three bubbles popped up almost thirty seconds later, thirty seconds which Karlie had spent subconsciously staring at the screen.

[Taylor S]: 'I know, it's crazy!! But since when do you keep up with the news?'

Karlie caught herself blushing again.

'It wasn't me!'

'It's just publicly known that I'm besties with the princess of pop, so people tend to update me on these things. ;) '

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now