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(a/n: Sorry fam, late again. You should just add 24 hours to every date I give you, in order to avoid disappointment. 


Writer's block is real. )


"Hey, Tay. Everything okay?" Cara's voice startled the singer out of her obsessive internal arguments.

"Oh my gosh, Cara!" reprimanded the older woman, chuckling when she saw Cara put up her hands in defence.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"

"It's okay, I was just getting some wine for us," shrugged Taylor, watching the model's lips quirk upwards.

"Yeah, you said that about...five minutes ago." The smile turned into concern, "Which is why I asked if everything was okay, but apparently you weren't even in this world."

Taylor lowered her gaze quickly, turning around and grabbing the bottle of white wine from the refrigerator.

"Everything's great! I just took a while to find the right glasses," lied the blonde, hoping she sounded convincing enough for the intuitive model.

"Okay, well let me help you with those," Cara seemed to have backed down, stepping forward to grab the bottle and two glass cups while Taylor silently trailed behind her with the rest.

She thought she'd gotten away with it until the Brit's eyes fell on the perfectly accessible glass cups sitting on the other counter just before they exited, and she knew she was busted. Thankfully, Cara chose not to bring it up.

"What took you guys so long? Ella's winning at Scrabble and I need alcohol to stomach this loss," Lily whined from her spot on the couch while the other girls chuckled, watching the 17-year-old use all her tiles to concoct her victory.

Taylor laughed too, when Lily's mouth dropped at the winning word.

"Oxazepam? What is that? Is that even a real word?" cried the brunette, looking around at the rest of the girls for confirmation.

"Yeah, it is, she's used that with me before," Taylor nodded, surprised that the teenager had managed to draw the 'z' tile for the second consecutive game that night.

"What is it?" asked Karlie Kloss, looking every bit intrigued by the game as she sat nursing her glass of diet coke.
The blue-eyed girl had been seated right next to her just a few minutes ago, and she wondered why she'd ever gotten up. Because Karlie looked warm and extremely cosy in her genius sweatshirt and dark jeans.
But when she was forced to meet her bright green eyes, she was reminded of how it was a little too overwhelming to be facing them up close, while Karlie's hand secretly drew patterns on the back of her neck.

Her first reaction had been to scoot closer to the model, allowing her instincts to take over, to let Karlie's fingertips work their magic on her tingly skin like she always did.
But she'd realised soon enough, that it was the reason she was a mess, that it would lead to her eventually throwing all subtlety out the window and mauling the taller woman to the floor.
And no, she wasn't about to give in or toe the line tonight.

She asked you a question, Taylor...

What was the question?

"It's anxiety medication, actually," answered Ella, picking up on Taylor's sudden silence and easily filling it so that the rest of them didn't see how the singer had frozen under Karlie's gaze.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now