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(A/N: fillllleerrrr!!!)


"Hey Karlie."

The supermodel looked up from her phone and pulled back her sunglasses to grin at her gym trainer for the day. She was still experimenting with the right trainers even after all the years spent in the fashion industry because she found new ways to experiment each time.

She had been training on and off with Traci for a couple of weeks now and she found these sessions rather fun and therapeutic compared to her previous regime. Maybe I'll end up sticking with her for longer than the others, she thought, walking forward to greet the frizzy haired trainer.
"I'm so glad you could make it today!" Karlie cheered enthusiastically as she greeted the shorter woman with a hug.

"Of course! I heard you're bringing along a friend today?" Traci's brows were arched in question as she looked behind the supermodel to find nobody there.

"Uh yeah, I am. I think. If she decides to show up, that is," Karlie chuckled nervously as she adjusted the strap of her pink handbag in her hands, walking towards her locker where a fresh set of activewear was stored.

"Well, whenever you're ready! We've got an hour and a half anyway," the trainer shrugged, grinning at the supermodel as Karlie walked over to the changing rooms.
The blonde sighed, closing the door behind her before pulling out her phone again. She opened Taylor's text thread and looked at the last message she had received from the singer ten minutes ago:

[Taylor S]: 'Stuck in traffic as usual. Don't wait for me. Xx'

Biting her lip, she decided to call Taylor and ask where she was once again, not really motivated to start without her gym buddy for today.

The singer picked up on the first ring, sounding breathless and hoarse.
"Hi! I'm here! I'm here!" She was panting, making the model wonder what in the world she had been doing besides sitting inside an air conditioned car. 

"Here where?" Karlie asked, stepping out of the changing room to walk towards the front door, looking out at the clogged street. The road had been considerably empty just minutes ago when she had arrived and yet now the traffic was through the roof. Karlie could not spot the shorter blonde anywhere but she could here Taylor speaking swiftly into her ear.
"Like 10 feet away. Walking, a little fast for my taste..." Karlie laughed when she finally caught sight of the singer coming from the right, followed by two bodyguards right behind her. Taylor did not look happy to be walking at top speed in high heels.

"Why are you walking? And are you wearing heels to the gym? Taylor..." Karlie chided, stepping out of the front door when the singer was a few feet away. The shorter blonde ended the call with a huff when she caught Karlie's eye, increasing her pace to hug the model.

"Didn't want to waste your time so I just got out of the car walked the last stretch and I have a meeting with Coke after this so I can't show up in sweaty sneakers," the blue eyed girl replied, pulling the taller girl into her strong embrace. Karlie hugged back with all her might, making sure to take in the older girl's intoxicating scent. She could distinctly make out the smell only Chanel could provide. I've missed you...
It's hardly been ten days, geez get it together, Karlie.

"Ridiculous, you're Taylor Swift." Karlie defended, reluctantly pulling away when they heard the clicks of multiple cameras nearby. Sighing, Taylor took the model by her wrist and led them into the gym while the bodyguards stayed out, stationing themselves by the doors for the next hour and a half.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now