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(a/n: this one is short but i wont leave you hanging for long.)


Taylor was trying really hard not to cry as she saw the tall model sulk her way to the black car waiting for her to be taken to LAX. 

Smile. Taylor, smile. The blonde reminded herself as she saw the taller blonde wave at her with her sunshine grin on her face, although even that looked forced. The blue-eyed girl held it in just as long as it took for the car to pull out of the driveway. 

No sooner had the model disappeared out of view, a tear slipped from her eyes, almost breaking the singer before she turned back into the now empty house, a hand still held over the spot on her cheek where Karlie had kissed her goodbye just before she had walked to the car.  

This is for the best, you admitted it. 

What if I was wrong?

Would it matter? It's the best for her at least

For once, the blonde didn't have someone to blame for her miserable state, she knew why she had allowed the model to walk out of her home like that. She knew that the past week was never supposed to happen. She knew neither of them were ready for that, she wondered if she would ever be ready for something like that. Both of their lives were too structured, too full for this to happen for them. It never will. Not again. The singer steeled herself. 

Another tear stroked down her cheek, this time it felt more like relief...relieved that she could forget about the last few days as if it had never happened, relieved that she didn't have to deal with what she had experienced because frankly, it scared her. The notion of something so unknown and fragile and uncontrollable scared her. Taylor could return to her chaotic life now...she knew how to handle that, she could control that. She smiled to herself but if anyone could see her at that moment, they would know that this smile was far from happy. 

The skinny girl stalked to her sofa, finding Meredith peacefully sleeping in her spot. At least I have you. For someone who found solace in being alone at home, this was the first time she felt the desperate need for company, for someone else's voice to tell her it was okay, that it was better this way. Funny how the only person who was capable of comforting her was the very person she couldn't talk about it with. 

So she delved into their conversation again, distinctly hearing every cutting sentence uttered by the model, hearing every thought that had echoed through her mind and every word she herself had said, agreeing with the taller girl as if it was exactly what she was thinking. It was quite far from the truth to be honest. Her words didn't for a second agree with her thoughts, she couldn't believe what she was saying while at the same time she couldn't believe what she was thinking either. 


"This thing that has been happening...us..." Karlie mumbled, still holding the singer in her arms as the car glided through the city of angels, closer to her beach side house. 

"Yeah..." The shorter girl whispered, dreading the words about to come out of Karlie's mouth. This isn't going to end well. You screwed the best friendship you had and for what? You don't even know what this is. 

"Taylor...we're best friends and the last few days have been one of the best times of my life..." There was another pause as the blonde looked up into the model's eyes, reading her thoughts automatically. The words stung her...even though Karlie had just mentioned that they were the best days of her life, it stung. Something about being her best friend...but your are her best friend and she is yours.  

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now