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(a/n: Hey you. Shorter than usual, but its necessary. Enjoy!)


"Have fun with your family. Say hi to Kariann and Kimby for me. Oh, and Kristine too!" Taylor wished, rendering Karlie frozen for a second.

The second Kloss sibling wasn't used to her friends exclusively asking about her sisters, so this came as a welcome surprise.
"I will, they'll want to know everything about you this weekend. The twins might even convince me to give them your number," joked Karlie, genuinely blushing at the thought of being hounded by her family regarding Taylor Swift.
No doubt, it was going to happen. Kimby was always a little over the top.

Taylor looked down at the ground as they continued walking towards the waiting car, smiling fondly.
"You could give it to them. I don't mind." She shrugged, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. Karlie found her to be most beautiful at these instances, but then she shushed herself.

"But I mind. You don't know what kind of calls you'll get after that," Karlie reasoned, not willing to think about the consequences of that action. Taylor laughed, her blonde locks falling effortlessly around her face. Kloss simply grinned at the shorter girl, silently admiring her best friend as they walked, hand in hand.

"On a related note, you didn't have to do this," stated Karlie, nodding towards the black SUV into which Kevin had just loaded the model's suitcase.

"Oh please, how else were you planning to go home?"

"I would've gladly taken the next train, you know? It's just a two-hour journey."

"Exactly, I can handle two hours without Kevin. No offence, Kev." She said, looking at the tall man standing near the car, a faint uncharacteristic smile on his face.

"Leaving us so soon, Miss Kloss?" Sam asked, walking up to them from the house, keys in hand.

"The cats have been contained, Miss Swift." He stated, handing her the keys to her mansion.

"I've got plans, Sam. Don't miss me too much," replied Karlie, smiling at the brown-haired man who was grinning back at her.

"I don't think I can help that, Miss Kloss." Sam said, grinning wider when Karlie shook her head in amusement.

Karlie noticed Taylor's curious gaze observing their interaction. She smiled mischievously at the shorter girl.
"I'm sure you won't miss me, will you?" She asked, taking in the way the singer's blue eyes immediately zeroed in on her own.

"Not at all," replied the country star, nevertheless continuing to draw circles over Karlie's hand, conveying a completely different message.

"I thought so," nodded Karlie, matching the grin on Taylor's bright face.

"See you, Tay." She said, squeezing her warm hand once, before letting go reluctantly. The singer's smile faltered then, her eyes looking everywhere but at the taller girl. Karlie didn't want to leave like this, but she had to.

Taylor sensed this of course, wanting to make her feel better.
  "See you. Soon." She said, whispering in Karlie's ear as she leaned in to kiss the model's cheek, sneakily.
The younger hadn't noticed Taylor scan her surroundings for lenses, before making the move.
  The kiss came as a surprise, since Taylor was never the one to initiate it, but Karlie didn't complain, enjoying the feeling of the woman's soft lips against her skin once more.

"Soon," assured the taller girl, not letting Taylor pull back, instead holding onto her in a tight hug. She breathed in the floral-vanilla scent one last time, before letting go.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now