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(A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for sticking around. <3 Tell me what you think! And please read till the end, I have a favor to ask. :) )



"Thank you, New York City!" Taylor waved to the sea of people as the final notes of Welcome to New York played her off the stage.

Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve was in full swing. The energy in Times Square was only soaring higher the closer they got to midnight; and they were really close now.

Taylor reveled in this atmosphere of mild euphoria accompanied by a strong line of performances by people she herself was a fan of. She strutted off the stage grinning ear to ear, only slightly sweaty from her set, thanks to the freezing cold.

Speaking of which, it was only now that she was completely stock still, that she realized how much she regretted choosing the outfit she was currently dressed in. It was slinky with its crop top and shiny skirt, and entirely unhelpful against the cold wind. The equally shiny waistcoat barely did any damage either.

The singer tried to keep her teeth from chattering as she walked down the metal stairs to where Ryan Seacrest and the rest of the lineup was standing, waiting for the countdown to begin. She would've been more bothered by the weather if her mind had time to think about it, but she was already on national television by the time Ryan could even notice her slightly shivering body.

"Not the best choice of outfit," she joked, watching her breath in the cold wind as the generous host removed his coat and wrapped it around her. It was a sweet gesture, but she was handing it back to him as soon as the camera had stopped recording, having panned towards the crowd celebrating loudly in a whirlwind of confetti all around them.

They'd just counted down to the ball drop, the new year was upon them, officially putting a cap on 2014, one of, if not the most successful year for Taylor Swift. She only hoped the happiness that this year had brought upon her would continue on.

The idea of continued happiness of course brought her thoughts back on course. She needed to be out of this mess and back with her own people. She needed to wish her family a happy new year, she needed to hug them fiercelyand find a winter coat of her own. She needed to see Karlie Kloss for the first time since the holidays.

That got her moving. The blonde signaled to Ian standing off to the side and began descending the large platform all together. Sure, she did trip on the icy stairs due to her inadequate but stylish footwear, but she caught herself in time to make faces at the many cameras pointed at her.

"Watch your step, Miss Swift." Ian advised unhelpfully, as Kevin flanked her front to clear a path back to the green room she'd been assigned for the night.They descended into the chaos just as Taylor heardclear cut shouts for her attention.

"Kev, I have to meet them," she insisted, looking in the direction of the group of fans who were clearly in costume just for her performance. It always warmed her heart seeing their dedication.

"But..." Kevin didn't stand a chance against his boss of course, so he began steering towards the fans whose cheers only got louder. Along the way she passed at least a few hundred people dancing to the next performer's hit number, kissing in the cold like it had just struck twelve again. Apparently, just one at midnight didn't cut it for them.

It was a romantic idea, to start the year by kissing the person you most wanna kiss, but that fantasy had ended with Harry Styles and all the cameras that had caught what was supposed to be an intimate moment to be displayed for days on tabloids. Some of the magic was lost on her, but the thought of kissing someone only made her move faster towards her fans. She would never discount them as a second priority, but she did want to get to Karlie as early as possible.

&quot;Kaylor. I like that.&quot; ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now