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(A/N: A long one. This is like a turning point, you guys. )


"Taylor?" The singer heard Karlie's smooth voice from outside the  hotel room door. Even though she was sitting on the bed in the farther  corner of the moderately large room, her ears could pick out Karlie's  voice anywhere and that surprised her a little more than she cared to  admit.

"Coming!" announced Taylor, hearing a knock finally resonate through  the wooden door. The blonde was in a bathrobe and soft slippers, waiting  for Karlie's arrival so that they could get on with the whole debacle.

"Ready?" Karlie almost squealed as she launched herself into a crushing hug as soon as the door opened.
"No,  I'm not!" Taylor squealed in the same pitch, pulling Karlie to the side  and allowing in the team that had followed the model.
They had  decided to share a hairstylist and make up artist for the night so  Taylor saw them both make a bee line for the vanity in the bed room.
Then  there came a helper with a large mirror in hand, carefully walking  towards the other two and placing the human sized pane against the wall  before disappearing to probably help with the bags filled with make up  and hair products.

Okay, this is an actual production, thought Taylor nervously, I forgot what a mess the Met Ball usually was.
Karlie seemed to have noticed the little frown on her face because she could feel the model rubbing her back comfortingly.

"You will be ready, don't fret," Karlie finally replied, winking at  the shorter girl before closing the door behind the last person to  enter.
Taylor found that her previously empty and eerie hotel room  was now teeming with people, all of them excited to get on with the  evening. That got her pumped up- and of course the loud Motown music  that began playing out of Taylor's phone along with the booze that had  been ordered.

Two hours passed by in a jiffy, what with the amount of fun Taylor  was having singing loudly to 'Natural Woman' with a glass of champagne  in her hand, it was bound to happen. Even Meredith was on her best  behaviour, lounging on the bed as she watched the two girls dance about.

"I love the red lip," remarked Karlie, suddenly. This brought an amused smile to Taylor's lips.

"You always say that," Taylor replied, keeping her eyes closed as she  allowed her make up artist to finish up on the gold highlights on her  eye make-up.

"Yeah, well its your signature thing now."
Karlie was grinning in  the large mirror, allowing Taylor to mimic her excitement for the  night. The way the model was looking at her made her want to hide behind  her palms, bashfully.

"It is, and yours is that you can literally pull anything off,"  Taylor said proudly, her smile widening as she noticed colour rise to  Karlie's cheeks.

"Thank you."

It was said so timidly that Taylor didn't  believe for one second that her best friend was a globe trotting  supermodel who slayed the runway with her sexy walk of confidence but a  rather simple mid-western girl who really wasn't used to being  complimented.
She's both of those people and more, decided the singer, turning her gaze away from Karlie and focusing on what her make-up artist was telling her.

"Your make up is finished, Taylor. I think I can get started on Karlie now," said Brigitte, a satisfied yet smile on her lips.
"Thank  you," replied the singer, scooting closer to Karlie's chair to watch  the glamorous ladt=y work her magic on her friend, not that she needed  it.

The model was sitting comfortably in her bathrobe, her champagne  glass pushed away for the moment as she listened to her hairstylist.  Taylor crossed her legs and propped her chin on her hand, observing the  supermodel's green eyes shift between her and the hairstylist every so  often. Gosh, you're beautiful, thought the singer, noticing Karlie's look come together magnificently.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now