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(A/N: fillers.)


Taylor wondered if she would ever feel the need to get up. 

The sun was shining high up in the sky, indicating that it wasn't morning anymore. She didn't even want to check her bed side clock. Rolling onto her side to hide her face from the sun's rays, Taylor inhaled the scent of her sheets. 

I need to do my laundry, thought the singer.

She was leaving to LA in a day or so, and she hadn't taken care of anything in her New York apartment so that she could pack. The challenge wasn't that she had to pack for LA, but that she had to pack for the Asian leg of her RED tour which was due to start in three weeks as well.  
The singer reminded herself that this wouldn't have been the situation if she had just refused to attend the MET ball and hadn't put off her packing till the last minute. 

Then again, after the night she had experienced, Taylor didn't really regret her decision to attend. It had been magical and glamorous and frankly quite a step up from the days leading up to it when she had spent hours on end in rehearsals. 

And they're going to start again, Taylor reminded herself, groaning into her pillow in frustration. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy it, she loved rehearsing her set list with her talented band and dancers and back up singers. It was just exhausting for her brain to focus on anything else that was going on; or rather, lack thereof. 

Her writing had hit a small roadblock in the last week, having been so busy with all the technical aspects of her tour and what not. The only few respites she'd had in the month had been the days she had gotten to spend with Karlie. Even those periods were short lived since the supermodel had a hectic schedule of her own. 

The songwriter had found a great deal of inspiration all in one place, just the previous evening at the fairy-tale like event. Taylor reminded herself of the voice notes waiting for her on the phone; the ones she'd recorded as soon as she had reached the apartment, considerably drunk.
There were more than two at least, but Taylor couldn't remember any of the lyrics or melodies at the moment. She tried to recall them from the comfort of her king sized bed, to no avail. 

The blue eyed girl finally had a good enough reason to get up. Her curiosity was eating at her and she knew that she wouldn't sit still until she at least heard the voice notes once, confirming if they were worth pursuing after all. 

The blonde reluctantly sat up against the head rest, casting a sleepy gaze across her bed room. The most notable thing about it was the absence of her cat. Meredith usually annoyed her awake, especially if it was late and the feline hadn't gotten her fix of breakfast. 

Unless she's already eaten...

"Selena," Taylor whispered to herself with a small smile, remembering that the actress/singer had accompanied her home the previous night. Taylor also remembered a vague argument about Selena refusing to let the country star go to bed in her Oscar gown. Chuckling to herself with some difficulty thanks to the slight headache that she had just noticed, Taylor decided to check on her guest. 

She quickly brushed her teeth and padded across the wooden floor panels towards the guest bedroom in the far corner of the first floor. Selena was nowhere to be found, and the bed had been made. Since when does she get up early? 
Taylor finally found the brunette at the dining table downstairs, chewing on a bowl of cereal, with the news paper spread out in front of her. 

"Good afternoon, sleepy head. How's the hangover?" Selena asked knowingly. Apparently it was 1 PM, according to the wall clock.
"Not bad, just a faint head ache. I'm going to get some water." 
"I finished your Fruit Loops, by the way!" The younger woman called out as Taylor walked towards the kitchen. The blue eyed girl turned sharply, her eyes widening at Selena. 

You what? 

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now