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(A/N: I don't know what to make of this chapter but it feels like the start of Kaylor Cuteness. I hope so. :) Also, the news of Andrea Swift's diagnosis has really shaken me up cause she is one strong woman and I'm sure she'll fight cancer successfully but they don't deserve (in fact no one deserves) to be stricken with such conditions. :/ I hope everyone else is okay.)

"Yes. Okay. Good morning, Mere. I get the message. Cmon, get off now. I'll feed you later." Taylor said, groggily pulling up the sheets to cover her face.
Meredith only began to claw harder at the sheets at the sight of her human asleep again.
"No. Mere. It's not time yet." Taylor was now completely under the sheets trying to hide from her cat. It was too early for to be up, obviously.
Meredith however, continued to trouble her until Taylor was forced to sit up and reach over to her phone to check the time. 

"12pm? What. Oh okay, I'm sorry. Let's go get you some food." Taylor hopped out of bed looking at her cat apologetically.
As she walked down the stairs with Meredith at her heels, her phone pinged with a text.
"Karlie." Taylor said under her breath, smiling at the sound of it. This was a common thing now. They spoke almost every night and sometimes even texted during the day if they missed out on their nightly call. Taylor couldn't help feeling at peace with Karlie at the other end of the phone, talking sometimes really late into the night about anything and everything. They could never run out of conversation and it had been 4 months after the VSF show. Four months over which they'd gotten so close that they couldn't stand a day not talking to each other. Taylor had a bunch of other best friends but nothing was the same as with Karlie and she didn't know why. 

"I shouldn't have stayed up with you last night." read the text. 

"I told you not to. Why did you? ;)" Taylor texted back immediately, tossing the phone on the sofa before heading to the kitchen to fill up Meredith's bowl. 

"There. Don't bother me for the rest of the day. Don't look at me like that! I've to tidy up the house a bit. You know Karlie's coming right?" Taylor absentmindedly spoke to her cat as Meredith silently ate from her bowl eventually looking up at Taylor for more. 

"Nope. That's enough. I'm not giving you anymore for now." Taylor replied to the cat who was evidently not pleased with this as she swished her tail and strutted out of the kitchen.
Taylor smiled to herself as she turned on the coffee maker to brew herself a small cup that she knew she couldn't do without. As the coffee was brewing, she turned on her radio and put on the top 40 to listen to some music. 

Walking into the living room, she picked up her phone and turned on the screen to do her daily notifications check. Karlie had replied.
"Not like you would let me sleep, anyway. ;) Can't wait to see you this evening! What are you doing?"
Taylor set it aside as the smell of coffee flooded the kitchen, taking off the pot and pouring herself a nice hot cup. 

She picked up one of the boxes of Karlie Kookies Karlie had sent her along with her birthday gift from the cabinets and picked out a cookie before walking over to the island and sitting at the counter.
"I just woke up. Having one of your Kookies for breakfast. What are you doing?" Taylor texted, smiling to herself before taking a bite off the cookie. Karlie was flying in to her Rhode Island home that evening and Taylor was more excited about it than anything else in a long while. They'd planned for her to stay here on her week off and they were going to be attending a pretty big party while she was here too. Taylor couldn't contain her excitement when Karlie's reply finally came. 

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now