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(a/n: Long one. Just setting the scene.)


"I mean it's fashion week right? Come on. It's the best reason!" Taylor spoke into the phone as she took out some lemonade from the refrigerator.

"The jet will be ready tomorrow, Miss Swift." Her pilot answered on the other end, making the singer reply in brief "I love you, you're the best" before she closed the fridge door- causing a Polaroid to drop due to the force. Taylor grinned when her eyes fell on the picture of Karlie and her on the road trip, immediately blushing as she remembered the conversation she had the previous week, with Emma constantly questioning their relationship.

The singer knew what her friend had been implying but she managed to handle that without any slip ups. That's because there's nothing to say about it. We're best friends, why is that so hard to understand for people? She thought to herself as she grabbed her glass of lemonade and walked to the living room, briefly checking the time. She had roughly an hour until she had to go by her record label for their meeting.

The blue-eyed girl sighed in frustration. This was the third time they were having this meeting. Scott never listened to her when she had explained it to them twice already, insisting that she decide to stick to what she had done before.

Scott Borchetta had called her yet again that morning, asking the singer to come into the office so that they could discuss about her forthcoming album. She had agreed because she really didn't have a choice, all the while knowing that "Discussing about the album" would just turn into "Ambush Taylor Swift and make her write some country music." The tall blonde checked her make up one last time before gathering up Meredith in her arms who had been following her around and heading out to the waiting car.

"You look a little stressed Miss Swift?" Sam asked as he opened the door. Stressed. She had been used to that word a lot over the past few weeks, save the time she spent with her friends. "Maybe this meeting will solve it. Who knows, Sam." She sighed as the driver got into the car, Kevin right next to him.

They reached the office within 30 minutes and the singer knew she was early. She usually was early to meetings but thirty minutes was too early. The blonde decided that they would spend their time in the car while she took out her notepad and wrote down some lines off the top of her head, seemingly unsatisfied with them because she balled up the paper and threw it away instantly.

The brown haired bodyguard was curiously observing his boss repeatedly scratching at her notepad while the cat simply made herself comfortable on the plush leather. He knew it was out of line to attempt unnecessary conversation with the singer but he couldn't help himself once in a while and Taylor never seemed to turn him down.

"Umm...Miss Swift?" He tried, earning a glare from Kevin by his side. "Yes?" The blonde looked up with a smile. "How are you doing?"

The singer was quite surprised by this question. Odd question. "Fine I guess?" She shrugged as the sandy haired man turned in his seat, now facing his boss fully. Kevin was about to protest when his phone buzzed with a call and he was forced to leave the car to take it. "You've been in the studio a lot so I'm presuming your head is in the middle of producing another awesome album?"

"Technically I think so. But no one else seems to think that. " Taylor surprised herself by admitting it. You do realise he's just your bodyguard, right Taylor? He doesn't really care. "Ah. So that's what this meeting is about. Haven't you already had two meetings in the last two weeks? Are they really still stupid enough to question your decisions?" He's just sucking up to his boss...but it's working.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now