(A/N: Hey! I'm so so so sorry this update is so late. Assignments and tests are really taking a toll on my writing time but here's a long one. Hope you like it! All made up as usual. Xx)

"Are you ready yet?" Karlie called through the bedroom door, the impatience evident in her voice. Taylor smiled to herself as she pulled on her tank top. "Yep. Gimmie a sec." She called back, moving about in the room to get her things. Karlie was apparently too excited to get started on her surprise since she was yet to know what it was. Taylor however thought it was a great idea and went through certain lengths to make it perfect. "Baking, Biking and Ballet." She said under her breath as she put on her red lipstick.
"Do you want to pack some fruits? Get the Gatorade from the fridge." Taylor said as she opened the door.

"Took you long enough!" Karlie smiled as she took in the sight of Taylor in a cute tank top and a pair of white shorts. "Tell me what we're doing today, will you?"
Taylor smiled to herself again as she followed the model down the stairs. "Nope. Now help me pack." The blonde went into the kitchen and grabbed the two bottles of Gatorade sitting in the refrigerator.
The girls soon walked out of the house and locked the door behind them after Meredith had comfortably settled in the car which suddenly started to move out of the driveway. "Hey! The car. It's leaving without us! Taylor?" Karlie looked at the singer, confused and hurried. Taylor simply giggled, casting a grin to the model as she grabbed her hand and led her to the edge of the driveway. "That's because we're not going in the car, silly." She chided as they walked to the beach in front.


Karlie was the epitome of confused at this point as they walked down the beach. "But...then how? And where." She asked, the grip on the blonde's arm firm. What are you up to, Taylor?
Just then she spotted two bicycles parked in the sand. "Are these for us?" Karlie asked aloud watching Taylor walk towards one of them.

 "Yep. We're doing some activity today, since I kept you away from anything healthy yesterday." Taylor said, winking at the brunette before fixing the small duffle bag on the back. "You coming?" Taylor asked, snapping Karlie out of her daze. Where are we going? Karlie couldn't help the grin on her face as she mounted the other bike. It was common knowledge that Karlie enjoyed biking but no one really made a point to actually organise something for her. "Cmon, Karl! You're supposed to be fast!" Taylor called from the front, making the brunette speed up to Taylor's side and wink before over taking her. 

The model felt exhilarated as she went faster with the breathtaking view of the beach to her side. Cycling on the beach. Who would've thought? Karlie kept taunting the blonde as yet progressed, egging her on to speed up and Taylor being ultra competitive didn't take long to match speeds with Karlie, until the model only decide to go even faster. Taylor constantly matched her every single time until Karlie chuckled and decided to stop giving her such a hard time. "You need to get in shape." Karlie joked as she slowed down.

 "What are you made of, woman?" Taylor said in between pants, trying to catch her breath as they continued down the beach. "You know this beach will end soon right? Lots of people are bound to be on the beach on such a beautiful day..."

"Yeah I know. I was just letting you warm up before the real deal. Now if you will follow me..." Taylor stated, steering the bicycle into the street from the sand. "Where are we going?"
"Just you wait."
Karlie was loving the feeling of the wind in her hair as she followed Taylor, occasionally taunting her to go faster which often resulted in dirty looks being thrown back in response.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now