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(A/N: I know, I'm surprised I'm updating too...

I'm so sorry you guys. Life has been hellish and busy. Even today, I'm working on a billion things as I post this. This fanfic is written in my free time and I haven't had much of that for the past few months. 

Which is why i will not promise you frequent updates, but there's probably only 5 more chapters left to this story anyway. I hope you'll stay with me till I finish it <3 )


"Good morning!" Selena's voice was a little too loud for Taylor's liking, but that wasn't her first thought. Taylor's blue eyes shot wide open in the direction of the space beside her, both relieved and disappointed to see the bed empty.

But she wasn't the only one looking apparently, and that was a little concerning. Selena cleared her throat quickly looking away from the abandoned space and back at Taylor, a little surprised.

As far as the blonde was concerned, Selena wasn't even supposed to know about Karlie coming over.
After all, it was one of the many reasons behind them waking up a few hours prior, and kissing goodbye as the model hurried to get back to her apartment.

"Kimby is going to get really suspicious. Trust me, you don't want someone like that getting curious." The model had chuckled, running her hands through Taylor's ruffled hair one last time, placing the gentlest peck on her forehead. It was the only way she would have ever woken up that early at the hands of someone...it was surprisingly pleasant and bitter at the same time.

"Do you want...breakfast?" Selena asked much softer this time, brown eyes expectant and still slightly puzzled.

"Yes please," Taylor rubbed her eyelids slowly, willing the images of Karlie's lazy morning smile to fade away so she could focus on the person in front of her.

"Okay, then! I am making scrambled eggs. Join me when you're up, sleeping beauty." Selena announced, before disappearing down the hallway as quickly as she came.

Taylor sat up slowly, staring at the open door for a whole minute, while her brain ran through the events of the previous night, and earlier that morning a little more thoroughly, committing to memory every single word and touch and look before she could push them aside. Processing it and letting it fill her up like a warm drink before suppressing it so it wasn't brimming over the top, threatening to spill to anyone who would listen.

All of last night had been entirely new but comfortingly familiar, and so, so right. Taylor's fear of losing it all as soon as it was in her hands wasn't far behind either. Which is why the singer forced herself to keep it a secret. There was no way she was going to risk jinxing it.

The right side of the bed was cold now, the time of day was in double digits, and Selena was somehow more chipper than she was. How was she making breakfast when she'd been out with Cara just the night before? The true surprise of the morning, obviously.

She made her way out of the bedroom a few minutes later, considerably more awake after a good wash, not bothering to change out of the pajamas that still smelled of Karlie since they'd been pressed so close together for several hours in the night. The apartment somehow seemed brighter today, the New York weather had finally let up from the storm.

She picked up Meredith from her hiding place behind one of the couches in the living room before approaching the kitchen, where Selena's voice could be heard, humming along to the top-40 radio. Clearly, she wasn't the only one filled with warmth this winter morning.

&quot;Kaylor. I like that.&quot; ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now