Special!! Chaesal Ages Up! Pt. 2

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Jeongguk is in Jongun's room of the house— moving the furniture around to try and bring the image he had in his head to life— when Hajoon walks in.

    "Hey, hyung," Jeongguk says when he see the older. "Did I wake you up?"

    "No, sweetheart, I was up already," Hajoon says folding his arms as he looks at the decorations Jeongguk bought for the room. "What's all this?"

    "I'm trying to bring Jongun's room in the inner world to the outer world so he'll front more," Jeongguk says pushing the desk against the wall beside the bed.

    "Jongun's room is in the forest," Hajoon chuckles as he looks at the decorations.

    "I know, it won't be exactly perfect. But look," Jeongguk says grabbing the tapestry he got for the wall and unfolding it. "It looks like the forest, doesn't it?"

    "It does," Hajoon nods. "That's almost perfect actually."

    "And I got this," Jeongguk says picking up a box from the floor and showing Hajoon. "It's a tabletop water fountain, it's like a tiny waterfall. It plays music and everything."

Hajoon nods, smiling as he looks at the box. "That's incredibly sweet of you Jeongguk."

    "I don't know," Jeongguk shrugs. "I just feel bad that he doesn't have anything special in the house."

    "He'll appreciate your effort I'm sure," Hajoon says as Jeongguk continues to set up the room, moving on to wrap fairy lights around the fake pine trees he bought. "Sweetheart, Taehyung was a little upset when we switched. Is everything okay?"

    "He was?" Jeongguk asks looking at Hajoon. "He wasn't upset when I left."

    "He wouldn't tell me why, but he was a bit agitated." Hajoon says. "You'll ask him what's wrong next time he fronts?"

    "Yeah, of course," Jeongguk nods. "I'm sure he's fine though, hyung, don't worry."

    "I can't help but worry, Jeongguk," Hajoon chuckles. "Do you need anything from me while I'm out?"

    "No, I think I'm good," Jeongguk says. "You should lie down, you guys have been switching like crazy all day."

    "You're right," Hajoon sighs. "Be careful in here, please. And call me if you need me."

    "I will," Jeongguk says, offering him a small smile before he leaves the room.

Jeongguk stays up for a while decorating Jongun's room, wanting to have the majority of it done before he fronts again. Which may not be for another week based on how things have been going.

It's almost three when he decides to give it a rest, he had early appointments tomorrow—today—and he knew he'd be miserable, but he's already accepted his fate.

Taehyung wakes up the next morning, either him or Hajoon usually woke up when they had work.

    "Hey, baby," Jeongguk says from where he's working in the living when Taehyung comes downstairs dressed for work. "You headed out?"

    "Yeah," The brunette says, his voice still not fully awake. "I won't be gone long, a few hours maybe."

    "Okay," Jeongguk says. "I'll be here."

    "We need to talk when I get back," Taehyung says grabbing his keys from the side table without meeting Jeongguk's eyes.

    "About what?" Jeongguk asks.

    "See you in a few hours," Taehyung says instead of answering before leaving the house.

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