Q/A Responses!!

475 31 18

So sorry for the wait!!!


How did Jungkook become your positive trigger?

It's hard to explain, it's more of a sensation rather than a noticeable difference. Whenever Jungkook's around I feel closer to the front. After Chaesal's attempt it just started happening.

What memories are you protecting?

There are some thing's that happened to us as children that Taehyung wouldn't be able to handle hearing. As a protector, I know Taehyung's limits and I know he'll shut down if he finds out because it happened before, that's how Chaesal split off years ago.

Did you ever fall for Jungkook?

Um....no. I know the other alters may have time to become emotionally invested into people, but I don't have that kind of time. My job is to make sure nothing hurts us, that's all. I do admit to growing emotionally attached to him after our attempt, but I wasn't invested into forming a relationship or even a friendship for that matter. I knew he wanted to protect us so I thought we could work together. That's all.



Are you personally okay? Do you ever beat yourself up over your mistakes, or Minseok's or V's mistakes?

To answer the first question, I'm okay at the moment. I don't want to lie and tell you I'm one hundred percent okay one hundred percent of the time. And to answer your second question, yes, I do sometimes find myself fretting over the past or wishing I would've handled different situations differently. I don't beat myself up too much about the decisions I made before I integrated. If V and Minseok wouldn't have made those decisions, as bad as some of V's were, we wouldn't be alive.



Can you teach me how to dance?

Sure, if you'd like. Are you a good visual learner?



How good is Jungkook in bed?

Wow, I didn't expect such a personal question. But I guess he's pretty good...? I don't know, forget I said anything. It's personal.

Do you know BTS?

Bt- what?

Who's your favorite alter?

I don't pick favorites anymore, I try to treat everyone fairly and picking favorites feels unfair. I love all of them.

Do you ever feel jealous of because of Jungkook and other alters being close, like Jongun?

I'll admit that when I first started developing feelings for Jungkook I was worried about his feelings for Jongun and Jongun's feeling for him, but I was just insecure. I know Jungkook and Jongun had an intimate relationship in the beginning but I know that they've resolved their situation, and they are good friends now. I know Jungkook loves everyone in the system, but his love for me is different.

What is sunshine or why is it your positive trigger?

This is actually the first time I'm going to be explaining this, Jungkook doesn't even know why sunshine is my positive trigger. I apologize if this explanation is all over the place or rushed, I get switchy when I talk about my childhood.

When I was little, probably age eight or nine, my brother would come to my mother's house every weekend as apart of the custody agreement between my mother and my father. So, on those weekends, my brother would be with me whenever my mother tried to hurt me or if my step brother or father did. Some days on the weekends they would all leave and it'd be just me and my brother, so each morning Baekhyun went out first to see if they were there and if they weren't he'd say "sunshine" as kind of like a code word. Our version of, 'it's all clear', if you will.

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