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Taehyung starts to dissociate around six that evening as they sit in the living room unloading Chaehyeon's toys from the bags.

He tries to fight it off and he realizes that he's nearly been in the front the entire day, it's the longest he's been in the front in months.

"You're dissociating." Jungkook says as they unpack everything they bought.

"Yeah..." Taehyung says, trying his best to continue to help Jungkook. "Chaehyeon's around."

"You don't have to fight it. You're okay." The younger says when he notices Taehyung's expression.

"No, I know it's just..." The brunette starts, trailing off for a second. "This is the longest I've been in the front in a while. Usually I hate fronting. A few weeks ago this would've been horrible for me but...you made me want to be here today."

Jungkook can't tell if Taehyung is just rambling or if he genuinely means what he says, but it makes him smile either way. "I'm glad we could spend your time together. I feel like I know you better now."

"Yeah..." Taehyung says, his eyes becoming distant as he chuckles softly. "Everyone's so close to the front."

"You don't have to worry. I'm here." Jungkook says reassuringly.

"....thank you, Jungkook."

"You're welcome."

The younger continues to watch the brunette as he continues to unpack Chaehyeon's toys, giving Taehyung as much time as he needed.

The brunette sighs softly, covering his eyes to block out the light.

    "Mhm..." He hums distantly, he was in a strange state of consciousness that made him question who he was at the moment.

It was common for him to not know exactly who he was, he wishes he could say he's used to it by now.

Jungkook watches him close his eyes for a few moments before he groans softly.

When he opens his eyes Jungkook smiles softly. "Hey, Hyeonie."

Chaehyeon's eyes find Jungkook's after a few uncertain moments.

    "You're okay." Jungkook says reassuringly. "It's just me."

The little's eyes scan the ground around him, most of the toys they just purchased laid out on the ground.

    "These are for you." Jungkook says as he finally gets the LEGOs out of their box. "For you to play with."

    "Play?" Chaehyeon asks looking up at Jungkook.

    "Yeah. And I got snacks. Lots of snacks." The older chuckles. "Do you want to play?"

The little looks down at the toys and nods softly.

    "Oh, I got you some pajamas. Do you want to wear them?" Jungkook says excitedly.

    "O-Okay." Chaehyeon nods, fidgeting with the sleeves of the shirt Taehyung was wearing.

    "They're upstairs." Jungkook stands. "Do you want to come with me?"

Chaehyeon nods, standing to follow him up.

Jungkook leads the way to the main bedroom. "Taehyung helped me, Hajoon was co-conscious too so I think you'll really like them."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now