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~ POV. ~

Jungkook huffs in annoyance as he stands in a long line of people waiting to enter the club Hoseok dragged him to.

"As your new roommate, Jungkook I make it my personal responsibility to make sure the last of your college days aren't spent alone in the apartment." Hoseok declares. "It's Saturday night, and you almost spent it studying, again. I promise you, you'll never spend another Saturday with a book."

"Hoseok-hyung. I'm still a college student. I'm supposed to be spending as many nights with a book as possible." Jungkook argues.

"Kid, I already told you to call me Hobi." The older says turning to him. "And you're college-ing wrong."

Jungkook just sighs as the bouncer lets them in without carding them.

When they get inside Jungkook's eyes widen.

"Hobi?" He asks stopping in his tracks. "What kind of club is this?"

Hoseok laughs as he looks around. "It's a gay strip club."

Jungkook mentally face palms, he should've known Hoseok was planning on doing this, especially after randomly asking about his sexuality.

"W-Why?" He says with a stressful sigh.

"You're gay, right?" Hoseok asks making the younger nod. "Good, I'm gay. You're gay. We're all gay! See?"

Jungkook frowns as he looks around the club, there are strippers everywhere.

Some are walking around waiting for clients and others are actually tending to clients while others watch.

There are some on stages around the club dancing on poles.

"I'm uncomfortable." Jungkook admits turning to his friend.

"No! That's okay. We're not staying here." Hoseok says grabbing Jungkook's wrist and pulling him further into the club.

Jungkook is lead into the back of the club and behind a huge curtain blocking off a section of the room.

"This part is for members only." Hoseok explains as he hold the curtain back for Jungkook to enter.

Behind the curtain is a stage that is surrounded by tables and chairs.

"My boyfriend works here." Hoseok says leading Jungkook to one of the tables closer to the stage.

"Your boyfriend's a stripper?" The younger asks in surprise.

"No, he's a bartender." Hoseok laughs. "I'll introduce you to him, come on."

Jungkook lets Hoseok lead him over to the bar area, it's not as crowded as the one out front.

    "He's right there." The older says, pointing out a man standing behind the counter talking to a few guys. "Joon!"

The young man looks up, a dimpled smile spreading across his face before he dismisses himself from the conversation and comes down to their side of the bar.

    "Hey, baby." He smiles, leaning on the counter. "I didn't think you'd be here tonight."

    "I can tell." Hoseok says, glancing at the men sitting down from them.

    "I was just working on my tip." The man smiles, winking at Hoseok before leaning over the counter and kissing his cheek.

    "Namjoon, this is my roommate Jungkook. You remember I told you about him?" Hoseok asks, pulling away from the kiss with an obvious attitude.

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