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Jungkook jumps up from where he's sat working in the kitchen when he hears the front door open.

    "Hyung?" He calls as he rushes toward the door.

    "Hyung? Try again." V says walking past him.

    "Sorry." Jungkook says, waiting a moment before following him to the kitchen. "Is everything okay?"

    "Why?" He asks, his tone as annoyed as always.

    "Just asking." The younger shrugs. "You and Hajoon have been out all day so~"

    "Stop reading so much into everything." V snaps turning towards Jungkook. "Why are you so fucking worried about Taehyung, huh? And why the fuck is he so worried about you?"

    "W-What?" Jungkook stammers in confusion.

    "You fucking heard me." V says walking closer to him. "What's going on between you and Taehyung?"

    "N-Nothing." The younger says stepping away.

    "Yeah right." The brunette scoffs, his eyes so dark and intimidating that Jungkook has to look away. "Whatever it is, don't let me find out about it. Got it?"

    "There's nothing~"

    "I don't fucking believe you!" V snaps making the younger flinch. "Stay the hell away from me."

He brushes past Jungkook, bumping his shoulder on his way out of the kitchen.

Jungkook sighs, trying to figure out what V meant when he said Taehyung was worried about him.

The doorbell rings, surprising Jungkook a bit.

When he gets to the front door he finds Jimin standing there.

    "Hey, Jungkook." The older smiles.

    "Where have you been?" Jungkook asks walking back towards the kitchen.

    "Um, working. I guess." Jimin says in confusion as he follows him.

    "Yeah well that's just great." The younger says sitting down at the table to continue his homework.

    "Is something wrong?" Jimin asks sitting down across from him.

    "No." Jungkook says shortly without looking up from his work. "You haven't been around in a while. You're supposed to be his friend but you haven't even came to check on him."

    "I've been busy, Jungkook." The older says. "Did something happen? Why didn't you call me?"

    "Nothing happened." The younger says rolling his eyes a little. "Why'd you come today?"

    "To see how you guys were doing."

    "Should've just called." Jungkook says. "V's out and he's pissed at me so...sorry for the wasted trip."

    "What'd you do to V?" Jimin asks.

    "Nothing. He thinks there's something going on between me and Taehyung." The younger sighs, finally looking up from his work. "Which is 100% not the case. So don't even ask."

    "How has Taehyung been?" The older asks instead.

    "He had a panic attack last night and hasn't fronted since. Maybe if you called regularly you'd know that but whatever." Jungkook shrugs. "Hajoon and V have been out all day."

    "A panic attack? Do you know what triggered it?" Jimin asks worriedly.

    "Chaehyeon was crying and talking about Taehyung's mother so maybe it was him that caused it." The younger says. "He went straight to bed after so I didn't really get to talk to him about it."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now