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Trigger Warning ⚠️ : mentions of suicide attempts

Taehyung eats and takes his medication like he's supposed, Jungkook telling him that he needed to take care of the body even when Hajoon isn't fronting.

Hajoon's absence is worrying, Jungkook can't stop thinking about how there was classical music playing when he got to the house.

Classical music is Hajoon's positive trigger, was someone trying to reach him?

Taehyung's medication makes him drowsy and though he tries to fight off sleep he drifts anyways.

Jungkook makes sure he's comfortable before leaving the room.

Jimin stands from the waiting area. "What took so long? Did he take his medicine?"

"He did. He's asleep." The younger says. "I think I should stay with him tonight."

"Not happening~"

"He wants me here~"

"And he got you. But I'm taking back the position as his caregiver." Jimin says. "I can't trust you with him anymore, Jungkook. And can you even blame me?"

Jungkook sighs. "I've gotten closer to them in a couple months than you have in years. They trust me. And Taehyung wants me to be there for them and I think he has the right to make that decision."

"And there's also been two suicide attempts, Jungkook. Are we just going to disregard that?"

"Are we going to disregard the fact that I had been watching him like a hawk for weeks?"

"You just need to leave, Jungkook. Thank you for helping him eat and take his medication. But I just don't feel comfortable letting him stay with you anymore."

"And what about Taehyung's feelings?"

Jimin sighs, looking away and shaking his head. "I have to do what's best for him even if he hates me for it."

"Whatever, Jimin." Jungkook says turning to walk away.

"Hobi's been waiting to talk to you. He went downstairs. He's pretty upset about earlier."

Jungkook rolls his eyes and continues to the elevators.

When he gets down he finds Hoseok standing outside.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asks getting his attention.

Hoseok expression hardens. "Yeah."

"What is it?" Jungkook asks stopping in front of him.

"What's going on between you and Namjoon?" Hoseok asks crossing his arms.


"Nothing? Then why were you at his apartment all week?"

Jungkook sighs. "I didn't have anywhere else to go. I couldn't go back to Taehyung's house."

"So that gives you an excuse to run around playing house with my boyfriend?"

Jungkook is shocked by Hoseok's choice of words. "Your boyfriend? You mean the same boyfriend you've been blowing off for Jimin? That boyfriend?"

"That's none of your fucking business, stay away from him. I mean it, Jungkook." Hoseok says stepping forward as if that was supposed to intimidate Jungkook.

"You're telling me to stay away from him while you 'run around playing house' with Jimin? How is that fair?" The younger asks.

"He's my boyfriend. And you don't know shit about our relationship so stop acting like you do."

"I may not know anything but I do know that Namjoon loves you and while you're spending time with your most favorite person ever he's alone thinking about you and wishing you'd give him a chance to talk to you. I'm Namjoon's friend, for the past week he's been the best friend I've got by giving me a place to stay.

"So no, we weren't playing house while we were together, we were talking about you. So much so that I got sick and fucking tired of hearing about your favorite foods, your favorite colors, and how much you hate sleeping on the left side of the fucking bed. Maybe if you weren't so caught up trying to get back at Namjoon you'd actually shut the hell up and listen to him for a second.

"And maybe then you would know that he's always been faithful to you and that he's not afraid of losing the 'freedom' of living alone he's afraid of ruining what you have by moving in together. But no, you're possessive and you're overbearing and practically a hypocrite. Maybe that's why shit isn't working out for you." Jungkook huffs, pulling his keys out of his pocket.

"You have a good guy, Hoseok. Stop being so fucking selfish." He says before walking away to get in his car.

Leaving Hoseok utterly speechless.


Taehyung gets discharged from the hospital the following week, after the doctors make sure he's eating properly and taking his medication.

    "Where's Jungkook?" The brunette asks as Jimin wheels him to the elevator.

    "He's not here." The older says pressing the button for the elevator.

    "Did you tell him I was being discharged today?" Taehyung asks looking up at him.

    "I can't get ahold of him. Didn't you see him yesterday?" Jimin asks, pushing Taehyung into the elevator.

    "I wanted him to be here today." The brunette sighs, he's too tired to even be upset at Jimin. "I know you think he's bad for us but he isn't, Jimin. He tries so hard and he cares about us a lot. He does his best."

Jimin sighs as Taehyung gives him the same speech he's been giving him for days.

    "I was the one that asked him to leave that day. I didn't want him to be there when my father came. So it's my fault he wasn't there." The brunette says. "I made him go..."

Jimin looks down at Taehyung as a tear slips down his cheek.

    "I don't want you to hold what happened against him. It's not...It's not his fault..." Taehyung sighs, wiping his eyes before pressing his palm to his forehead. "...hyung?"

    "Are you dissociating, Taehyung?" Jimin asks as the elevator doors open.

Taehyung closes his eyes to block out most of the light. "I just...I wish you'd be upset with me...not Jungkook. He doesn't just...keep us alive, he makes us feel like we're living."

Jimin isn't sure how to take what Taehyung is saying.

    "For so long we've been alive...but we've never lived. We've never wanted to live, some of us." Taehyung says. "But that changed when Jungkook came into our lives. He...He makes us feel like individuals while still acknowledging everyone's presence. He may not be a doctor...or the professional help I need...but he's done more for me and the system than any doctor ever has..."

Jimin pushes Taehyung to his car without saying anything, Taehyung seems to be dissociating so his words won't mean much.

He helps the brunette into the passenger seat before leaving to return the wheelchair, thanking the nurses on his way out.

When he gets to the car he's met with V's pitch black irises.

"V." He says, expecting the alter to be immediately annoyed by his presence.

Instead V turns away from him, looking out the window. "Just take me home, please."

Jimin's is completely caught off guard by V's behavior, he never expected V to sound so down and out, and never expected that fiery anger behind his eyes to be dim.

"Okay." He says simply before starting the car.

V leans his head against the window, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Jimin looks over at him a few times during the drive and what he sees shocks him even more.

V was crying.


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