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Jungkook groans as Taehyung's phone buzzes against the coffee table, turning around on the couch to see the brunette fast asleep.

    "Tae." He says trying to wake him up, he doesn't budge.

Jungkook rolls off the couch, landing on the ground with a thud before grabbing the phone off the table.

He blinks a few times before recognizing Mr. Kim's name on the screen.

He clears his throat before answering. "Secretary Jeon."

    "Good morning Secretary Jeon." A woman says from the other line. "This is Mr. Kim's secretary, I'm trying to get in touch with Taehyung. Is he available?"

    "Oh um, no. He's not. Can I take a message?" Jungkook asks, his eyes getting heavier.

    "Yes. Tell him to call his father's personal cell. He needs to speak with him about rescheduling his appointment with his mother."

Jungkook sighs, he didn't understand why Taehyung's father was so adamant about Taehyung seeing his mother. Did he not know how hard it'd be for Taehyung? Especially after his ordeal.

    "I'll make sure he calls him." Jungkook says, checking the time on his phone.

    "Alright then. Take care, Secretary Jeon."

    "You too."

Jungkook sighs as he ends the call, pushing himself up from the ground.

    "Taehyung?" He tries again.

    "Fuck off."

    "Get up, V. You have to go to work." The younger says pulling blanket off of the brunette.

V groans, turning away from Jungkook on the couch. "I don't go to work."

    "You have to. Taehyung and Hajoon do so why don't you?" Jungkook asks, pulling V's arm. "It's only fair~"

    "Fuck off, Jungkook." The brunette says, pulling his arm away. "Leave me alone. I don't feel good."

    "What's the matter? Do you feel sick?" Jungkook asks, kneeling down beside the couch. "Are you hurting anywhere?"

V sighs, keeping his back to the younger. "I just don't feel good. Leave me alone, alright?"

    "Maybe you should eat something." The younger says.

    "I don't want to." The brunette says. "Just leave me alone."

    "Alright." Jungkook says, sighing softly as he stands. "I'll be around if you need me."


Jungkook drapes the throw back over V before turning to go upstairs.

He showers quickly and changes into some day clothes before going back downstairs, not leaving V for too long.

He grabs the medication from the main room before heading down.

When he gets downstairs the brunette is exactly the way he left him.

"V? You have to take your medication." He says standing there for a moment and getting no response. "I'll leave it here. Take it, please."

Jungkook shakes one pill from the bottle, sitting it on the coffee table next to a water bottle.

"Thank you." V says, his voice is small and Jungkook almost mistakes it for Taehyung's.

"You're welcome." The younger says walking to the kitchen.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now