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"Remember what we talked about?"




Jungkook nods, sighing nervously pressing his forehead against Taehyung's.

"I'm okay." The brunette says, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck. "We talked about everything."

"I know." The younger says closing his eyes. "If I hurt you, even a little, tell me and I'll stop."

"Okay." Taehyung nods.

Jungkook pulls away from Taehyung, smiling down at him. "Sit?"

The brunette nods, sitting down on the edge of the bed. A smile plays on his lips as he watches Jungkook dim the lights.

"You made the playlist?" The younger asks.

"Yes." Taehyung says handing him his phone.

During their conversation Jungkook insisted that Taehyung created a playlist of songs that would keep him grounded and present throughout the night.

    "And you'll use our word if you need to slow down or if you want to stop all together. No matter what. I won't be upset." Jungkook says as he connects the phone to the speaker.

    "Okay." Taehyung nods.

    "You don't have to be nervous~"



    "Too much talking."

    "Right. Got it."

Taehyung chuckles softly as Jungkook approaches him.

    "Just relax. I'll take care of you." The younger says stepping in front of him.

Taehyung nods, closing his eyes as Jungkook leans in and pressing his lips against his.

The brunette sighs when Jungkook pulls away, he's been hiding his nerves well but he couldn't hide the sweat that glistened on his forehead or the slight tremble in his hands.

When the music starts to drift through the room Taehyung realizes that Jungkook was absolutely right, the music did make him feel better.

Jungkook sighs softly when he faces Taehyung, returning the small smile that plays on the brunette's lips.

The room is dim and the music is just the right volume as Jungkook kneels on the bed behind Taehyung, placing both his hands on his shoulders and feeling the brunette relax under his touch.

Taehyung closes his eyes, a shiver running down his spine when he feels Jungkook's warm lips against his neck.

He tilts his head to give the younger more access to one of the most sensitive parts of himself, his breath shaking a bit when he feels Jungkook's teeth dragging ever so gently across the skin of his neck.

Jungkook presses his lips against the skin just behind Taehyung's ear, sucking softly and smirking at the sound that escapes the brunette's lips.

Jungkook's hand trail across Taehyung's chest and down his stomach as he continues to move his lips against his neck.

Jungkook's movements falter for a moment when his hands reach the bottom of Taehyung's shirt, he hesitates for a moment before he tugs the end of the shirt up, pulling it all the way over Taehyung's head.

Taehyung shivers when the cold air made contact with his bare skin, littering it with goosebumps.

Jungkook kisses one shoulder, then the other, silently worshiping Taehyung's body.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now