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Jungkook's POV.

I stand at the back exit waiting for Minseok when I catch sight of him coming down the hall dressed in a button down and jeans.

    "Hey." I say pushing myself up from against the wall.


    "Jongun, hey." I say when I see Jongun's orange-ish eyes.

"Hey." He smiles as he hugs me. "Did you bring Minseok here?"

"I did." I say hugging him back briefly before pulling away. "I'm all moved in and I'm taking care of you guys now."

"Better not let V hear you say that." He chuckles dropping his carryall bag to the ground. "Since we're here we should stay and have a drink."

"You're not supposed to drink. Hajoon said that~"

"Ughh, Hajoon's not even here. Come on. Drink with me. Let's get a vibe going." He says taking my hands and trying to pull me back towards the club.

"Jongun, we can't. Let's just go home." I say stopping him. "Do you really want to use your time getting drunk?"

"I mean...yeah." He deadpans. "The body needs to let loose and have fun. That's why I'm here, Jungkook. What better way to let loose than to have a drink or two? Or three. Or, y'know, ten."

"Ten?" I ask. "You'll be sick. Come on let's just~"

"Jungkook is a buzzkill." He singsongs.

"I'm not, why don't you spend your time doing something else?"

"I'd like to spend my time doing you after we have a few drinks."

I choke on air at his words, coughing for literally a minute gay before I can speak again. "W-What? What the actual fuck, Jongun?"

"That was not your most attractive moment, Jungkook." He says. "Now, you can leave and I'll go find a stranger to take me home or you can come with me and I'll take you home."

"Why would I let you go home with a stranger?"

"Do I hear some possessiveness?"

I close my eyes in aggravation. "Come home."

"Nope nope nope." He says, I open my eyes in time to see him walking away.

"Jongun!" I call after him.

"Come get me!" He says dancing down the hall towards the blaring music.

"Fuck." I curse before following him down the hallway. "Okay! Wait!"

He stops and turns to me. "What?"

"One drink. Just one. And we have to go." I compromise. "Deal?"

"Deal. Come on, baby." He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the bar. "Everyone knows Minseok so they'll give us free drinks."

"A free drink. Singular." I say.

"You're such a nerd. I love it." He says as we get to the bar before addressing the bartender. "Hey, baby. How's it going?"

"Hey." The guy says, his face flushing. "You're that dancer...Grey right?"

"Right. Anyway. I'll have the strongest thing you've got and he'll have something fruity."

"Fruity?" I ask. "Really?"

"What? You're driving." He says. "And strawberry daiquiri would taste so sweet on your lips."

I know my face flushes instantly at his comment.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now