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Jungkook watches Taehyung's reaction closely, not sure what he should expect from him.

The brunette sighs softly as he looks through the file that Jungkook had slipped from Mr. Kim's desk, reading each document briefly before moving on to the next.

"Wow." He says in awe as he reads over them.

Jungkook stays silent until the brunette sits back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"He said he wanted you to come to him and tell him before he said anything." He says. "It just...It wouldn't have felt right keeping this from you."

"No, I'm glad you didn't." Taehyung says looking up at him. "I just feel like an idiot right now."

"Why?" Jungkook asks.

"I always thought I was taking all the necessary steps to keep everything away from my father but I guess I just fell short." The brunette says, shaking his head as he looks at the file. "I mean, 2015? Seriously? He couldn't have gotten all this information legally."

"You were 17, maybe they had to tell him because you weren't an adult." The younger says.

Taehyung shakes his head again, sighing softly and pressing his palm to his forehead.

"Are you dissociating?" Jungkook asks, closing the file.

"No. I'm just regretting every decision I've made in the past five years." The brunette says, looking up at Jungkook. "I spent so much fucking money trying to keep this away from him. And he knew, all the while he knew."

"Why did you keep it from him?" The younger asks. "Don't you trust him?"

"Of course I trust him, he's my father." Taehyung says. "I just didn't want him to think I was crazy. And I didn't want him throwing me into some mental hospital. I was supposed to take his spot as President after my brother ran off and I didn't want to disappoint him by being...sick, y'know?"

"Don't say it like that." Jungkook says, he thought the word was so harsh and too negative.

"It wasn't the right time to tell him then and I guess I just got used to hiding it." The brunette shrugs. "Then again maybe I didn't hide things well at all. Maybe everyone noticed, right?"

"I'm not sure." The younger says.

Taehyung chuckles softly, holding his hand out to Jungkook who takes it with a smile. "Should I tell him?"

"He already knows so it can't change things that much. He might even get to know everyone." Jungkook says, mostly to make Taehyung laugh.

"Yeah right." The brunette chuckles. "Maybe I'll talk to him tomorrow. It's going to be hard facing him and knowing that he knows."

"I could go with you." The younger suggests.

"No. You baby me too much." Taehyung says pouting his lips. "I'll tell you how it goes though."

Jungkook smiles at him, giving his hand an affirming squeeze. "He'll understand why you didn't tell him."

Taehyung nods. "I think he will too."

"Wanna watch a movie?" The younger asks.

Taehyung's expression says no but Jungkook is already pulling him up towards the living room.

"I hate watching movies." The brunette complains. "I'm just gonna either fall asleep or get switchy and I want to spend more time with you."

"We are spending time. We're watching a movie together." Jungkook says pulling him down on the couch.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now