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Jungkook groans as he forces his eyes open against the brightness of the room, his head pounding as he sits up.

"Oh no." He huffs, holding his head in his hands.

He pushes the covers off of himself and for the first time he realizes he isn't in his room, and he isn't wearing his clothes.

He doesn't even have a second to be confused before he suddenly becomes nauseous.

He quickly rushes to the bathroom, making it to the toilet before he gets sick.

Jungkook wasn't ever a heavy drinker, he wasn't a light drinker either, he wasn't a drinker. Period. And it was mostly due to his father. But he didn't want to be if this was the result of a "good time."

He flushes the toilet, rinsing his mouth out with water before going to his own room.

Though he wants to lay back down and sleep for the rest of his life, Jungkook changes into some day clothes and heads downstairs after brushing his teeth and taking some painkillers.

When he gets down he finds Taehyung in the kitchen, his brown eyes meeting his for a moment before returning to his laptop.

    "Good morning." Jungkook says, stopping at the threshold.

    "I doubt you're having a good morning." The brunette says without looking at him.

Jungkook nods. "I'm alright."

Taehyung sighs, looking up at him with a hard expression. "What happened last night?"

    "Jongun fronted." The younger says walking into the kitchen.

    "Okay? So Jongun fronts and you decide that it's reasonable for the two of you to drink together?" The older asks tilting his head, he almost sounds angry.

    "N-No. I wasn't~ It wasn't my intention to drink with him~"

    "So what happened then?" Taehyung asks shutting his laptop. "You aren't supposed to drink with any of the alters. Especially Jongun, Jungkook. He's a drunk."

    "No, I know. I told him~"

    "I trusted you, Jungkook."

The disappointment on Taehyung's face makes Jungkook feel a different kind hurt, the pain of letting someone he cares about down.

    "I'm sorry." The younger says, hoping  that his sincerity comes across in his words.

Taehyung sighs, standing from the table and silently gathering his paperwork.

    "I don't care what you do when other alters front, but as long as I'm fronting please keep your distance." He says grabbing his laptop and heading out of the kitchen.

    "Taehyung wait~"

    "What happened last night, Jungkook?" The brunette says facing him. "Between you and Jongun."

    "Nothing. Nothing happened." The younger says. "I swear."

    "I don't believe you." Taehyung says, looking him in the eye for a moment before leaving the kitchen for good.

Jungkook hears the front door slam shut, cursing to himself.

He really messed up.

Taehyung can't concentrate on his work, everyone is close to the front and Hajoon is co-conscious, everything feels like too much right now.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now