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~Taehyung's POV.~

I groan lowly as I regain consciousness, a sharp pain shooting through my head, the only indication that one of them had been here.


I sigh at the sound of the doctors voice, monotone and void of any actual concern.

    "Why do you keep calling me here?" I ask, my voice wavering.

"I have some news for you, Taehyung." She says disregarding my question.

    "I don't want to be here."

    "Please, Taehyung. Please listen for a moment. A moment is all I ask."

Don't fight me, Taehyung. Let me handle it.

    "I'm sorry." I say pressing my fingers to my temple. "I'm sorry, V."

    "Kim Taehyung." Dr. Choi says sternly making look at her. "A moment."

I sigh. "What? What do you want?"

    "Your doctor has referred you over to another psychiatrist. And you'll start seeing him instead of me from now on." She says. "Is that alright?"

    "Is it really up to me?" I ask as the pain in my head begins to dull.

    "It's for your own good. He came all the way from Busan just to start treatment for you." Choi says. "It's important that you show up next week. So please discuss with V and convince him~"

    "I'm not in charge of who comes out." I tell her.

    "Try, Taehyung. Please try." She says. "That's really all I wanted from you today."

The pain comes again and this time I know I won't be able to fight him off.

It's fast...and no matter how hard I try to fight for consciousness it's always a losing battle.



I sigh bringing my fingers to my temple.

    "Are you alright?"

I open my eyes and the light streaming in from the curtains makes my vision blur.

    "Jimin." I say trying to focus on his face from where he stands in the door way. "What happened?"

    "Jongun. I think." Jimin says entering and sitting on the edge of the bed.

    "How long has it been?" I ask.

    "Not long. Jongun brought someone home last night. I told him he had to go though, they were both drunk so they didn't argue too much." He says.

I sigh closing my eyes. "I'm sorry."

    "It's okay. Did you go to your doctors appointment yesterday?" He asks.

    "Yeah. I'm going to a different psychiatrist from now on." I say pushing myself into a sitting position.

    "Oh." He frowns, he knows me too well.

Jimin's been my best friend since middle school when my illness was at it's lowest.

He's been there to watch as it escalated to the disorder it is today.

He was the only person willing to get close to me since I was antisocial and spent most of my time alone and talking to V, well, to myself if you ask most people.

    "It's okay. I'll get used to it." I say offering a small smile.

    "What about V?" He asks, he knows how untrusting he is. After four years of seeing Dr. Choi he still didn't trust her.

    "He'll get used to it." I reassure him even though I know he won't.

Jimin nods with a small smile. "I'll meet them first, okay?"

    "Okay. Thank you." I say, without Jimin my life would be impossible to handle.

After high school Jimin and I split up and went to different colleges, that's when I started seeing Dr. Choi.

The personalities kept multiplying at an unbelievable rate, before it was just me and V.

Those four years were crazy and even though I graduated with honors it was stressful to maintain school and the personalities.

I didn't have any family anymore, besides my Father and I did everything in my power to keep my illness from him after I was diagnosed.

He always knew there was something "off" about me but he figured I'd grow out of it.

It was easier to control back then when it was just me and V because I was in control, but somewhere along the way V took that control away.

    "I'm gonna head to work. You'll be alright, yeah?" Jimin asks standing and checking the time on his phone.

    "I'm fine. I have to work tonight so I might be out when you return." I say standing.

Jimin gets a look on his face that I know all too well.

    "It'll be okay. If I start feeling bad I'll come straight home." I say.

    "You said you were going to quit."

    "I am. I told you Jimin, Minseok signed a contract for six months. Four more months." I say.

    "It's dangerous Tae, what if Minseok doesn't show up some night?" He asks.

    "He will. He always does. V will make sure he does."

    "You're relying on V too much these days, Taehyung. Dr. Choi told you that you needed to get control over him again and that's not going to happen if you just sit back and let him take care of everything."

    "Well what am I supposed to do then, huh? I'm doing the best that I can right now without upsetting him." I say hiding the frustration in my voice.

    "It worries me. Anything can happen to you that late at night on that side of town. Especially at the club." Jimin says. "I'm just trying to look after you."

    "V will handle it if something bad happens, you know that." I say trying to reassure him but I only end up proving his point more, I do depend on V a lot.

    "Let's hope he does." He says with a sigh. "I'll wait up for you."

    "Okay. Thank you." I say as he walks to the door.

    "Take care of yourself, Taehyung. Call if anyone needs me." He says once more before he's gone.

I sigh sitting back down on my bed.

I want nothing more than to go back to sleep but I don't want to risk my consciousness so I decide to do something else.

I could go to work and try to get some things done but I'm already starting to feel a little dissociated.

In all honesty, I don't mind when other alters front.

Not because I enjoy having my life controlled by my alters but I'd rather live unconsciously than have to remember Her for the rest of my life.

If it meant that I could forget my past and what she did to me, I'd let V take control.

I can't handle that pain on my own.

That's why I need him, that's why I have to let him take control or he'd leave me.

And I never want to risk that.

I never want to lose him, not when he's done so much for me.

Without V, I was practically nothing.

I needed him.

I need V.


Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now