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Jungkook gets shaken awake a few hours later when the sun has gone down.

He jumps up in alarm, his eyes meeting Minseok's. "Minseok? What time is it?"

Minseok holds his phone up. 10:12.

"Oh my gosh." Jungkook says sitting up all the way. "I can't believe I fell asleep."

Minseok shows Jungkook his phone screen again. I'm leaving now.

"Okay. I'll take you." The younger says pulling his shoes back on. "Are you okay?"

Minseok nods, offering a small smile before he walks to the door.

Jungkook follows him out of the house, checking his phone as they climb inside the car.

He has a couple texts from Hoseok and a missed call from his father.

He frowns at the thought of calling his father back, he hated talking to him.

"So, Minseok," Jungkook starts as he drives to the club. "Jimin came earlier and he asked about you."

A smile forms on Minseok's face at the mention of Jimin.

"Maybe you should text him or something while you're fronting." The younger says looking over at him.

Minseok nods, unlocking his phone and searching for Jimin's number immediately.

When they get to the club they separate like they did before, Jungkook going to see if Hoseok and Namjoon showed up tonight.

He finds Namjoon at the bar talking to a couple guys, smiling flirtatiously as he fixes their drinks.

Jungkook approaches after the two men walk away. "Hey, hyung."

"Jungkook, hey." The older smiles, leaning forward on the bar. "Are you drinking tonight?"

"No, I'm driving." The younger says. "Did Hobi come tonight?"

Namjoon's smile falters a bit. "No. He's, um, we're not really talking actually."

"Aw, what happened?" Jungkook asks.

"His new roommate happened." The older says rolling his eyes a little. "Maybe I'm just fucking crazy, but they're too close. Way too fucking close. And they've only been living together for a couple weeks."

"Have you tried talking to him?" The younger asks sitting down at the bar.

"Yeah. He won't even talk to me." Namjoon sighs. "He's always accusing me of cheating on him but maybe I'm the one that should be worrying."

"I'm sorry you guys aren't talking." Jungkook says. "I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Hoseok loves you."

"I love him too." The older says. "But maybe we're just better apart. Y'know?"

"I understand. Whatever you guys think is best." The younger nods.

"Anyways, enough about that." Namjoon says waving his hand. "How have you been? Did you come to see Grey?"

"I've been good. And I did actually." Jungkook nods.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now