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    "Calm down, Jungkook."

    "I-I thought he'd just come back I didn't know he'd be gone this long~"

    "Jungkook calm down~"

    "I should've called you sooner. I fucked up so bad. I don't know where he is."

    "Jungkook, please."

Jungkook continues to pace back and forth nervously. "I fucked up so bad, Jimin."

    "You didn't. You said you sent him to work on Friday, right?" Jimin asks from where he's sitting at the kitchen table.

    "Yes. And I didn't let him leave his phone. Just like you said and he still disappeared." The younger says running a frustrated hand through his hair. "I didn't call you you on Saturday because I thought he'd turn up eventually but then it was Sunday and I looked all around for him. And it's Monday now. I shouldn't have waited~"

    "You're freaking out, Jungkook." Jimin says standing and taking him by the arm. "Sit down. Breathe."

    "What if I can't find him? What if something happened? What if Chaehyeon fronted and he's lost~"

    "Nothing like that happened. He's done this before. Multiple times. Alright?" The older says. "All you can do is wait. He'll come back."


    "I know exactly how you feel right now but you can't allow yourself to panic. Nothing bad has happened. Most likely V's gone off somewhere and he'll be back in a little while." Jimin continues as he sits down across from the younger. "Just relax."

    "Taehyung left Friday morning. On Thursday night it was Jongun that fell asleep. Before that~"

    "None of that matters. You're just going to drive yourself crazy." Jimin says.

    "How can you be so calm about this?" Jungkook asks. "He's missing."

    "I'm trying not to freak out, Jungkook. Of course I'm worried but I'm used to this by now." The older sighs. "All we can do is worry right now."

Jungkook's leg bounces nervously as he bites his lip. The front door opens after a few minutes and he nearly sprints towards it.

"Stop." Jimin says grabbing him. "Don't rush towards him. Just call his name first."

"Taehyung?" Jungkook calls before waiting anxiously for a response, there's no response.

"Okay now we go." Jimin says standing and leading the way out of the kitchen.

They find Taehyung standing by the front door dressed in black from head to toe, his hair gelled back away from his face and dark eyeliner lining his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks. "Do you need some time?"

Taehyung doesn't answer, walking past them and towards the stairs.

Jungkook looks at Jimin who just shakes his head, there was nothing they could do right now.

"You said you'd call..." Taehyung mumbles as he starts climbing the stairs. "You knew they'd worry...but it's fine."

Jimin sighs softly once Taehyung is upstairs. "His switches are longer than usual."

"It had to be V. Right?" Jungkook asks. "He's the one that's been out?"

    "I don't know. But if it was V we have to find out where he's been." The older says looking down at his phone. "Damnit, I'm supposed be meeting with my new roommate in fifteen minutes."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now