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Trigger Warning ⚠️ : mentions of suicide and suicide attempts, please read with caution.


    "And you didn't see anyone write this?"


    "Did anyone else mark the log?"


Taehyung sighs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Okay."

    "Sit down and eat, Taehyung." Jungkook says placing a bowl of Japchae on the table.

    "I have to call Jimin." The brunette says pushing himself up from the counter.

    "No. You need to eat." Jungkook says stopping him and leading him to the table. "Then you have to get some sleep. You're exhausted and you don't look so good."

    "I just don't get it." Taehyung says sitting down. "Hajoon hasn't said anything about a new alter in the inner world."

    "Don't stress yourself out right now." Jungkook says sitting across from the older.

    "And they say they they're better off dead." The brunette says looking at the notes left on the log. "Do you think it was them?"

    "I don't know. I wish you'd just eat and go to bed." Jungkook says, his head was throbbing and he himself was exhausted. "It's almost five in the morning and you have to work~"

    "Go to bed, Jungkook. You don't have to stay up with me." Taehyung says pushing the log away to eat his food. "I'm fine."

    "I seriously don't believe you." The younger sighs. "How can I be sure this won't happen again?"

    "You can't be sure. But I rather you take care of yourself before worrying about me." The older says looking down as he pushes his food around his bowl. "I'm so sorry about all of this. Really."

    "Me too." Jungkook says. "Are you in pain?"

    "Yeah but I'm always in pain so it doesn't matter." Taehyung chuckles, earning a look from Jungkook. "Come on. I was trying to lighten the mood."

    "What if it gets infected. Or I did it wrong or something?" The younger asks. "What if I~"

    "Hajoon's done this by himself before. The job was twice as bad as yours and I'm fine. So, don't worry." The brunette says. "It's fine."

    "When Hajoon did it before do you think it was this alter?" Jungkook asks gesturing to the log.

    "Oh, no." Taehyung says, his expression changing. "That...I mean it was me."

    "Oh." Jungkook says. "I'm sorry, I didn't~"

    "No. It's fine." The older says looking up at him. "Some things happened last year and I was in a very fragile state of mind at the time. I'm a lot better now."

    "That's good." Jungkook nods before the two of them fall silent.

They remain silent while Taehyung continues to eat, both of them completely lost in their own thoughts.

    "I'm gonna go to bed." Taehyung speaks up first. "You should too."

    "Fine." Jungkook says standing. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

    "I'm sure. Thank you for worrying about me." The brunette says offering a small smile. "I know things have been far from easy for you."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now