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Notes from your alters...

Yah!! Kim Taehyung-ah, do you have any idea how hard it is to force a switch without you noticing??? It's actually impossible that's why I'm congratulating you on your wedding four months early. FOUR MONTHS. I'm the first one Namjoon asked so I get to go first. It's Chaesal if you couldn't tell yet, you do remember me don't you? Because I haven't seen you respond to my logs in two weeks!!! I'm sure you've answered by now.

Anywaysssss, congratulations on your marriage, you have to be a real one to actually agree to be around Jungkook for, like, FOREVER. I know you'll hear enough mushy shit from everyone else so I'm not going there. When we move into a new house make sure there's plenty of guest rooms, not just for us but for when Jungkook pisses you off and you want to kick him out.

Also, for the love of god, please be hyper aware of who's close to the front or who's co-conscious, if I ever kiss Jungkook through you I'm going dormant. I've heard enough horror stories from Vic!!

I know I said I wasn't gonna get all mushy, and I'm not, I just want to tell you and Jungkook that I'm actually happy for you. You guys changed my life and made me feel like I could live without being a burden. I know I get down sometimes but your notes on the logs and Jungkook constantly irritating me makes it easier to get out of the dark places my mind crawls into. But enough of that.

Congratulations again. I hope your lives are everything you guys have ever wanted. I'll be around, I guess. Love you.


Hey, Taehyung! And hey, Jungkook if you're reading this too. It's Jongun here.
Congratulations on your marriage, it's a huge deal and I'm happy for you guys.

I know we don't talk much unless something's wrong but I'm still really proud of you Taehyung. I know I was kind of out of the loop before, because I'm not a trauma holder or anything, but I can still say that I've witnessed a lot of growth in you as a person. Well...maybe not literally witnessed but I've heard enough to know you've grown a lot in the past few years.

You've always been a great host, even when you didn't particularly like me, I'm not hurt by that. I didn't like you either. But now I actually care about you a lot and sometimes I even feel myself getting closer to the front when you're scared or nervous or something, it's weird but whatever.

I said all that to say that you're a good person and you deserve to spend your life with a good person. Jungkook is lucky to have you, and honestly, we're all pretty lucky to have him. He changed your life, in turn, changing ours.

I also wanted to add that I'm also writing this four months early so I apologize if the sentiment is not all there.

Enjoy the rest of your lives together. You deserve to be happy.


Where do I even begin. I'm honestly so happy for you guys that day I don't even know what to say. Kim Taehyung, I can't believe you're getting married in nine weeks. That's so fucking major, wow. This is Vic by the way. I just want you both to know that you have my support one hundred percent.

You guys do an amazing job managing your relationship and the system and I know you'll continue doing an amazing job. I feel like Jungkook's truly going to be apart of the family in nine weeks and that honestly makes my heart so full. Blame that on the emotional side of Minseok I got.

I know it's a happy occasion for you two but I have to thank you thoroughly and by doing so I'll have to bring up some of the struggles I've faced that you both got me through.

There was a time in my existence when I felt like my sole purpose was to take the pain the rest of the system couldn't handle and deal with it without complaining. I felt like I was supposed to take everything without concerning you with my pain because that's what I integrated for, to take the pain others couldn't endure.

I didn't realize I was hurting myself more than I was helping but, Taehyung, you noticed and you mentioned at the bottom of the log that if I needed to talk to someone you'd help me get into therapy. I didn't go because I hate doctors, but it was the fact that you noticed that meant something.

And there have been many times that Jungkook has told me that it was alright to feel pain, and that I didn't have to always be strong for everyone. Sometimes everyone could be strong for me.

I know I still struggle with my eating disorder but I try to do better because I know it's what I have to do. And you guys encourage me everyday and that's another reason why I try so hard.

I'm sorry I've drawn this message out I just really want you both to know how grateful I am to you for everything you've done for me. And I want you to know that I love both of you and you guys deserve the entire fucking world for how amazing you are.

You guys are spending the rest of your lives together, make the most of it.

I'll be here whenever you need me.



This is Hajoon, Taehyung. Congratulations on your marriage and I wish long, happy years upon you and Jungkook. You aren't married at the time I'm writing this, but you will be in a few weeks. I can feel how stressed you are and I want to tell you that, in the future, if you're stressed out about anything just remember that it's okay to take a break if you need one. And focus on one thing at a time, you can't do it all and that's okay.

Everyone is so happy for you and Jungkook, there's so much excitement in the inner world. I told the littles and Jungkook spoke to Chaehyeon, they don't quite understand why it's so important but they're still happy for you.

I'm so very happy for you, sweetheart. You've been my baby for so long and I finally feel comfortable with letting you go become your own person, living their own life. I'll always love you and I'll always keep you close to my heart, I know Jungkook will protect you and care for you. I don't trust easily, but I do trust Jungkook. He loves you and I know you love him just as much, if not more.

You've grown into a beautiful person, I know you will continue to grow and learn to cope with your disorder as time goes on. Our condition thrives in isolation, with your friends and Jungkook by your side you will no longer be isolated. They may even help you heal and become strong enough to bare Vic's and Chaehyeon's memories, and even the ones in my possession. I hope one day you will be able to face those memories, Taehyung.

It's still hard to wrap my head around the fact that you and Jungkook are getting married, I'm so happy for you but it's still a bit bittersweet for me to see you all grown up and starting a new life.

I hope the two of you continue to make each other happy for years to come, I'll be here for you until you are strong enough to be there for yourself, you are stronger than you think, Kim Taehyung.

Congratulations again, my loves.



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