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Jongun chuckles as he watches Jungkook lag a bit as he's sitting his shit glass down on the coffee table.

"I'm not kidding." The younger says looking at Jongun. "It's...It's like I'm hot but...on the inside."

"Are you seriously drunk already? You had like four shots." The older laughs as he refills his own shot glass.

"I'm not kidding... I'm like...humming from the inside." Jungkook says pressing his hands against his face. "Like a vibrator."

Jongun is shocked when Jungkook irrupts into a fit of giggles. "What?"

"A-A vibrator? Do you...you know what a vibrator is." The younger laughs, leaning forward to pour himself another shot.

"Wait. Maybe you should slow down, baby." The older says catching his hands before he grabs the bottle.

"I'm not...a baby." Jungkook scoffs, snatching his hands away. "I think I like this. Let's...a few more and...let's just do a few more."

"If you insist." Jongun says handing Jungkook the shot he poured before pouring himself one.

Jungkook drinks down the shot a lot easier than he first few.

"Woah, man." He says looking around the room. "If you switch...and someone sees me like this. We're dead."

"I don't usually switch when I'm drinking. Everyone's really deep in the inner world right now." Jongun says, he's had just as many shots as Jungkook but he doesn't seem affected in the slightest.

"Hm..." Jungkook says holding his glass out for more. "The last time I got...like...really wasted, was when I turned 22."

    "Mhm." Jongun hums as he fills the glass, only halfway.

    "When I turned 21...I couldn't afford to get wasted." The younger laughs, a little too hard, before downing his shot. "I was still in my third year and...my parents...my dad...he died."

Jongun's brows draw together. "Oh...I'm so sorry, Jungkook."

    "He was at a bar...my mom always hated when he went to bars but...he always went and this particular, right, it...it was, like, freezing outside...I mean, there was snow on the ground." Jungkook says holding back a laugh as he continues. "He was so wasted that...he passed out in the ally and froze to death. Isn't that crazy."

    "I think you've had enough, Jungkook." Jongun says taking the younger's shot glass from him with a disturbed expression.

He knew Jungkook was more hurt about the situation than he let on.

    "We were broke when he was alive." He continues, his face becoming sad. "And we were...even more broke when he died. But...then my mom met her new husband, not even a year later...he put her in this huge house and paid the rest of my college bills. He won't get me a new laptop but..it's because of him...that I can go to medical school next year."

    "That's good." Jongun says. "Are you happy?"

Jungkook giggles softly. "No, but...since you and everyone and...I'm happier. Because...you guys...you give me a purpose or something. Y'know?"

Jongun nods. "I understand."

    "Oh, I know!" Jungkook says jumping up suddenly. "Let's play a drinking game."

    "You're already drunk, Jungkook." The older chuckles softly.

    "Borinnnng..." The younger sings, standing up from the couch. "Holy shit, I'm spinning."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now