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Jungkook POV.

"Your GPA is suffering."

"I know~"

"But you're not understanding."

I sigh as the dean slams my most recent report on the desk in front of me.

"You're about to face academic probation." He says. "You went from being at the top of your class to academic probation. How?"

"I've just been busy." I say looking at the report and cringing deep down.

"Busy? So busy that you haven't submitted a paper in three weeks? So busy that you haven't even checked in online? So busy that not even your Co-Op can reach you?"

"I've been meaning to get back to Dr. Kim~"

"Do you even want to graduate?" Mr. Gyeon ask crossing his arms. "Do you?"

"Of course." I say shaking my head. "I've just had a lot going on."

"I talked to your parents. They told me you weren't staying with them."

"I never told you I was. I stopped living off campus freshmen year." I say, slightly annoyed.

"Your roommate Hoseok says you've moved out~"

"Why are you checking up on me~"

"I check on all my top percentiles but this is very obviously the last time I'll be checking on you." He scoffs. "You need to submit the work from the past three weeks by the weekend. Your GPA depends on it."

"The weekend? It's Thursday."

"And you're three weeks late. Be grateful I'm giving you until then."

"Mr. Gyeon~"

"We're done here, Jungkook. I truly hope this isn't the last time we see each other." He says before walking out of the office.

"Damnit." I curse to myself, looking at my report once more before standing to leave.

As I'm walking out to my car I dial Seokjin's number, it rings a few times before he answers.

"Dr. Kim." He says formally.

"You ratted me out to the dean." I say straightforwardly.

"I'm surprised you still have my number, Jungkook." Seokjin says with a whimsical sigh.

"Very funny." I say in annoyance. "Why'd you tell him I haven't seen you?"

"He asked if I heard from you and I told him the truth. You haven't called me with any updates or anything since you've been there."

"Well sorry I've been kinda busy. Managing a DID patient if you didn't know." I snap. "I was going to send you an email."

"What's been going on for the last two weeks that's had you so busy, Jungkook? Have things gotten worse with Taehyung?" He asks. "You're still a student, Jungkook. If you can't manage school and working with Taehyung~"

"I'm managing it." I say, heaving out a frustrated sigh. "I'm handling my shit and Taehyung's shit. And I'm perfectly fine."

"Why haven't you submitted anything?"

I roll my eyes, he really sounds like my parents. "I've written everything up I just haven't gotten the chance to type them up."

"Why?" Seokjin asks.

"Because I lost my computer again and my parents won't get me a new one. They think I still live on campus so I told them I've been going to the library. I'm going to type everything up. I just haven't had time." I explain. "I have until Monday so it'll be fine."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now