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Taehyung's POV.

I come to with an ache in my head, closing my eyes for a moment to focus before opening my eyes again.

It was always tricky switching in the middle of doing something, especially walking home.

I realize I'm walking into my apartment complex after a moment, V is co-conscious as I search my pockets for my keys.

Coat pocket. He says, his tone as fed up as it always is.

    "Stop, V." I says as I check the coat pocket. "I have to have a serious conversation with Jimin and I don't need you around to do it."

You always need me around. He shoots back. You wouldn't be here if I wasn't around.

    "I know. You remind me nearly every day." I sigh unlocking the door. "Just please let me have my consciousness right now."

It's an indescribable feeling when another alter steps back from co-consciousness, the feeling of gaining complete and total control of my own body again.

    "Minseok?" Jimin's voice calls from down the hall, the sound of his feet hitting the ground as he meets me by the door. "Oh, Tae. You came back out."

    "Yeah, I need to talk to you. It's important and if I don't do it now while V is gone I won't be able to." I say walking into the living room. "Are you okay to talk?"

    "Yes. Of course." He says following me to the couch. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"

    "Nothing happened but everything isn't okay." I say throwing my jacket over the couch. "My father spoke to me about moving out and he's telling me I have no option but to move."

"What? Why? Did something happen~"

"He's noticed my absences and he thinks I'm becoming distant again. After last year he doesn't want to take any chances." I say, trying to explain as quickly as possible. "He's making me move into company housing by the end of the month. I'll continue paying my portion of the rent and everything until you find a new roommate and it's no rush to find one."

    "You'll be living alone?" Jimin asks, I knew that would be his main concern. "Again?"

"I-I'm trying to get some strings pulled with my psychotherapist and hopefully I'll be able to have a live in physician. But if I don't I think as long as I keep seeing Dr. Kim and learning how to communicate with all the alters, not just V, I'll be okay." I say, shrugging a little. "I know it sounds bad~"

"Bad? Tae, after last year it sounds like a terrible idea~"

"Don't talk about last year right now, Jimin." I don't mean to snap at him, V and Hajoon are getting closer to the front and I don't want to lose consciousness right now.

"I'm already worried about you, Tae." He continues. "Do you even realize how long you've been gone?"

"Jimin I understand~ wait what? What do you mean how long I've been gone?"

"It's Tuesday."

It's not the first time I've been out of the light for more than a few days, but the feeling is still the same every time I find out.

"Minseok left for work on Friday and never came back. I called multiple times, I never stopped calling." Jimin continues, the emotion in his voice finally clear to me. "I almost went to the police but I knew your father would have found out if I did."

"I'm so sorry, Jimin." I say, finally taking a moment to look down at my clothes and noticing the expensive outfit that only V would buy. "I'm so sorry."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now