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The show comes to an end and the crowd cheers for "Grey" as he walks off stage, not collecting any of the money left there by the people crowding the stage.

Jungkook wipes the sweat from his brow as he turns to Hoseok, adjusting his pants as discreetly as possible before speaking. "Where do the dancers go after they perform?"

"Their dressing rooms I guess." The older shrugs.

"Where are they?" Jungkook asks making Hoseok laugh.

"There's a slim chance that you'll get into their dressing rooms, Kook." He says. "There are plenty of other good looking guys to go home with."

"No, it's not that. I know him." The younger says, he wasn't sure what he was going to say but he wanted to meet this alter.

"Him? How?" Hoseok asks.

"I met him somewhere." Jungkook says. "Do you know where the dressing rooms are?"

"Namjoon could probably show you." The older says. "Come on we can go ask."

They stand and walk back to the bar where Namjoon is serving some drinks to some obviously underage teens.

"Joon." Hoseok says getting his attention.

The older smiles at the group before walking to them. "Don't worry, it's watered down. It'll take at least four of those to get them drunk and I told them the limit was three."

"I don't care." Hoseok says. "Jungkook needs to know where the dressing rooms are."

"Dressing rooms? Why?" Namjoon asks looking at the younger.

"I know one of the dancers. Well, I've met one of the dancers and I wanted to speak to him." Jungkook answers.

"Hm, well I don't know. They're pretty strict about who gets backstage but I could take you to the back door. Most of them leave out the back to avoid the crowd, you might run into him leaving."

"Sounds good."

Namjoon nods, saying something to his coworker before removing his apron and walking from behind the counter.

He kisses Hoseok fully on the lips once he's from behind the counter, smiling softly at him before leading them to the back.

"I can't promise he'll leave this way but it's worth a shot." Namjoon says when they get there.

"Okay, thanks." Jungkook nods.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" Hoseok asks.

"No, I'm fine." The younger smiles. "I'm only going to wait for a little while."

"Okay. Meet me back out front after." Hoseok says to which Jungkook nods.

The two of them leave him there to wait for "Grey" who Jungkook hopes shows up.

He waits for almost ten minutes and just when he starts to give up he hears someone coming down the dark hallway.

His eyes light up when he sees Taehyung heading towards the exit with his hood pulled up looking down.

"E-Excuse me." He says nervously making Taehyung stop and look up at him in alarm. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." Taehyung says looking up at him briefly before his brown eyes flicker away.

Jungkook notices the new eye color and realizes that this must be a different alter.

"I'm in a hurry, excuse me." The brunette says walking by towards the exit.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now