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A/n: omggggg you guys, i am so sorry for the wait. when i tell you this was the hardest chapter for me to write, i~

please point out any typos that i should fix, my brain was fried when i was editing this, school has really been hard these past few days lolololol.

i hope you enjoy this chapter, i worked hard on it. <3<3<3

They always knew this day would come, but that doesn't make it any less surreal.

After planning for months and months it was finally time, and they almost have to pinch themselves to be sure they weren't dreaming.

"Are you nervous?"

"Not really....a little I guess."

Taehyung smiles softly, leaning against the railing that lines the balcony, looking out at the sparkling lake.

"What does Jimin have you doing?" Jungkook asks from the other line, they'd been split up for almost three days now and, even though he wasn't supposed to, Jungkook had to at least call.

"Nothing right now." The brunette chuckles. "He forced Vic to get a facial and a manicure earlier though."

Jungkook laughs. "I bet he hated that."

"Yeah, he left me a very heated message." Taehyung smiles. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Namjoon and Hoseok left for a while so I'm just enjoying the break." The younger chuckles. "They're driving me crazy."

"Tell me about it. Jimin and Yoongi haven't let up since Tuesday." Taehyung sighs, looking across the courtyard to the other side of the hotel. "Come outside."

"Isn't it bad luck for us to see each other before tomorrow?"

"Don't tell me you're that superstitious."

Taehyung smiles when he hears Jungkook moving on the other line, his smile growing when he sees the younger step out on his balcony.

"Hey." The brunette smiles.

"Hey." Jungkook smiles back, leaning on the balcony. "I miss you."

"After tomorrow we'll always be together. Shouldn't you be enjoying your last few days of freedom?" Taehyung asks looking at him.

"Freedom? You call Namjoon and Hoseok locking me in a hotel room and forcing me to cut my nails freedom?" The younger asks, laughing along with Taehyung. "This is literally torture."

"They're really excited. I am too." The brunette says. "How are your vows coming along?"

"My vows have been finished for weeks, Tae. I should be asking you how yours are coming along." Jungkook says raising his eyebrows. "Have you written anything?"

"Hmm, yeah." Taehyung chuckles. "They're coming along."

"You suck. We're literally getting married in the morning." The younger complains, laughing at his future husband.

"Oh, shut up. You know I'm kidding." The brunette says rolling his eyes. "They're finished, it's just hard to fit everything I want to say into one minute."

"Really? I had a hard time getting up to one minute." Jungkook says shaking his head.

"Idiot." Taehyung laughs.

Jungkook laughs, falling silent as he looks at Taehyung, a fond smile settling on his lips.

"What?" The brunette asks as he looks back at him.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now