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"What's your name?"

"Oh, it's Vic. V-I-C."

"How old are you?"

"Early twenties I guess. I'll say...21-24 maybe."

Jimin falls silent, looking at Jungkook as if he wanted him to say something.

"Look, guys." Vic starts, pushing his hair away from his forehead. "I really do want to make this as painless as possible for everyone. That's why I wrote the letter instead of explaining it face to face at first. I mean, if you have any questions I'm more than happy to answer them, y'know, but I'm not a complete stranger."

"It's just gonna take some getting used to I guess." Jungkook says glancing at Jimin for him to say something.

"Right. It's gonna take some getting used to." The older repeats.

Vic chuckles, his murky grey eyes rolling slightly. "You don't have to make things so awkward is what I'm saying. Whatever you want to say you can say it."

"When did they actually integrate?" Jimin asks. "And what caused it specifically?"

"Well, we went to sleep two nights ago and it just felt like I woke up instead of them." The brunette explains. "I tried explaining it in the letter but it's an indescribable feeling to wake up a new person with all the same thoughts and memories of two other people. But um...there's no specific reason. There are multiple reasons that this happened, not just one thing caused it."

"You have both Minseok's and V's memories?" Jungkook asks. "So you know what Minseok was keeping from the rest of the system."

"Yes. I'm still going to keep those memories." Vic says, his eyes becoming hard and protective, they almost look like V's. "I'm still Minseok and I'm still V, that won't change so neither will my opinions on certain things. And in my opinion those memories are better off kept to myself. For the good of the system."

"If they broke Minseok won't they eventually break you?" Jimin asks.

Vic shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips as he runs his hand through his hair again. "I'm strong enough to handle it."

"Do you have a story, Vic? That's different from the other alters?" Jungkook asks.

"No. I just woke up one day and I was here. That's it." The brunette says. "In a way I guess my back story is the same as V and Minseok's."

"Can I ask about Minseok's disorders?" Jungkook asks. "It's okay if you say no."

"O-Okay. Yeah." Vic says, obviously becoming uncomfortable. "I'll tell you if it's too much."

"Okay." The younger nods. "Did you inherit that as well?"

"Yes. But it's not as bad I don't think." The brunette says, trying to reassure them. "I think I'll get over it."

"Are you just saying that or do you think you need professional help." Jimin asks worriedly.

"No doctors. I can't do doctors." Vic says shaking his head and looking down. "I've only been around a few days but I know that I can handle it on my own."

"Okay. We won't ask anymore questions about that." Jungkook says looking at Jimin briefly. "Does everyone know about you by now?"

"Hajoon does. I doubt he'll tell Chaehyeon or the other little ones but that's fine. Jongun, you know him, he's usually in his own world but I'm sure he'll find out soon." Vic chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm not a host like V was so I'll mostly just be close to the front for Taehyung. I won't front as often as V unless Taehyung's in distress."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now